Source code for espnet2.samplers.build_batch_sampler

from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from typeguard import check_argument_types, check_return_type

from espnet2.samplers.abs_sampler import AbsSampler
from espnet2.samplers.folded_batch_sampler import FoldedBatchSampler
from espnet2.samplers.length_batch_sampler import LengthBatchSampler
from espnet2.samplers.num_elements_batch_sampler import NumElementsBatchSampler
from espnet2.samplers.sorted_batch_sampler import SortedBatchSampler
from espnet2.samplers.unsorted_batch_sampler import UnsortedBatchSampler

    unsorted="UnsortedBatchSampler has nothing in particular feature and "
    "just creates mini-batches which has constant batch_size. "
    "This sampler doesn't require any length "
    "information for each feature. "
    "'key_file' is just a text file which describes each sample name."
    "    utterance_id_a\n"
    "    utterance_id_b\n"
    "    utterance_id_c\n"
    "The fist column is referred, so 'shape file' can be used, too.\n\n"
    "    utterance_id_a 100,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_b 400,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_c 512,80\n",
    sorted="SortedBatchSampler sorts samples by the length of the first input "
    " in order to make each sample in a mini-batch has close length. "
    "This sampler requires a text file which describes the length for each sample "
    "    utterance_id_a 1000\n"
    "    utterance_id_b 1453\n"
    "    utterance_id_c 1241\n"
    "The first element of feature dimensions is referred, "
    "so 'shape_file' can be also used.\n\n"
    "    utterance_id_a 1000,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_b 1453,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_c 1241,80\n",
    folded="FoldedBatchSampler supports variable batch_size. "
    "The batch_size is decided by\n"
    "    batch_size = base_batch_size // (L // fold_length)\n"
    "L is referred to the largest length of samples in the mini-batch. "
    "This samples requires length information as same as SortedBatchSampler\n",
    length="LengthBatchSampler supports variable batch_size. "
    "This sampler makes mini-batches which have same number of 'bins' as possible "
    "counting by the total lengths of each feature in the mini-batch. "
    "This sampler requires a text file which describes the length for each sample. "
    "    utterance_id_a 1000\n"
    "    utterance_id_b 1453\n"
    "    utterance_id_c 1241\n"
    "The first element of feature dimensions is referred, "
    "so 'shape_file' can be also used.\n\n"
    "    utterance_id_a 1000,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_b 1453,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_c 1241,80\n",
    numel="NumElementsBatchSampler supports variable batch_size. "
    "Just like LengthBatchSampler, this sampler makes mini-batches"
    " which have same number of 'bins' as possible "
    "counting by the total number of elements of each feature "
    "instead of the length. "
    "Thus this sampler requires the full information of the dimension of the features. "
    "    utterance_id_a 1000,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_b 1453,80\n"
    "    utterance_id_c 1241,80\n",

[docs]def build_batch_sampler( type: str, batch_size: int, batch_bins: int, shape_files: Union[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]], sort_in_batch: str = "descending", sort_batch: str = "ascending", drop_last: bool = False, min_batch_size: int = 1, fold_lengths: Sequence[int] = (), padding: bool = True, utt2category_file: str = None, ) -> AbsSampler: """Helper function to instantiate BatchSampler. Args: type: mini-batch type. "unsorted", "sorted", "folded", "numel", or, "length" batch_size: The mini-batch size. Used for "unsorted", "sorted", "folded" mode batch_bins: Used for "numel" model shape_files: Text files describing the length and dimension of each features. e.g. uttA 1330,80 sort_in_batch: sort_batch: drop_last: min_batch_size: Used for "numel" or "folded" mode fold_lengths: Used for "folded" mode padding: Whether sequences are input as a padded tensor or not. used for "numel" mode """ assert check_argument_types() if len(shape_files) == 0: raise ValueError("No shape file are given") if type == "unsorted": retval = UnsortedBatchSampler( batch_size=batch_size, key_file=shape_files[0], drop_last=drop_last ) elif type == "sorted": retval = SortedBatchSampler( batch_size=batch_size, shape_file=shape_files[0], sort_in_batch=sort_in_batch, sort_batch=sort_batch, drop_last=drop_last, ) elif type == "folded": if len(fold_lengths) != len(shape_files): raise ValueError( f"The number of fold_lengths must be equal to " f"the number of shape_files: " f"{len(fold_lengths)} != {len(shape_files)}" ) retval = FoldedBatchSampler( batch_size=batch_size, shape_files=shape_files, fold_lengths=fold_lengths, sort_in_batch=sort_in_batch, sort_batch=sort_batch, drop_last=drop_last, min_batch_size=min_batch_size, utt2category_file=utt2category_file, ) elif type == "numel": retval = NumElementsBatchSampler( batch_bins=batch_bins, shape_files=shape_files, sort_in_batch=sort_in_batch, sort_batch=sort_batch, drop_last=drop_last, padding=padding, min_batch_size=min_batch_size, ) elif type == "length": retval = LengthBatchSampler( batch_bins=batch_bins, shape_files=shape_files, sort_in_batch=sort_in_batch, sort_batch=sort_batch, drop_last=drop_last, padding=padding, min_batch_size=min_batch_size, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Not supported: {type}") assert check_return_type(retval) return retval