
If you’re a new user, we suggest checking out the ESPnet2 tutorial as ESPnet1 is an older implementation. The majority of the development has now shifted to ESPnet2. Please be aware that certain information in this document may be outdated due to this shift.

Directory structure

espnet/              # Python modules
utils/               # Utility scripts of ESPnet
test/                # Unit test
test_utils/          # Unit test for executable scripts
egs/                 # The complete recipe for each corpora
    an4/             # AN4 is tiny corpus and can be obtained freely, so it might be suitable for tutorial
      asr1/          # ASR recipe
          -   # Executable script
          -   # To select the backend for job scheduler
          -  # Setup script for environment variables
          - conf/    # Containing Configuration files
          - steps/   # The steps scripts from Kaldi
          - utils/   # The utils scripts from Kaldi
      tts1/          # TTS recipe

Execution of example scripts

Move to an example directory under the egs directory. We prepare several major ASR benchmarks including WSJ, CHiME-4, and TED. The following directory is an example of performing ASR experiment with the CMU Census Database (AN4) recipe.

$ cd egs/an4/asr1

Once move to the directory, then, execute the following main script with a chainer backend:

$ ./ --backend chainer

or execute the following main script with a pytorch backend:

$ ./ --backend pytorch

With this main script, you can perform a full procedure of ASR experiments including


The training progress (loss and accuracy for training and validation data) can be monitored with the following command

$ tail -f exp/${expdir}/train.log

When we use ./ --verbose 0 (--verbose 0 is default in most recipes), it gives you the following information

epoch       iteration   main/loss   main/loss_ctc  main/loss_att  validation/main/loss  validation/main/loss_ctc  validation/main/loss_att  main/acc    validation/main/acc  elapsed_time  eps
6           89700       63.7861     83.8041        43.768                                                                                   0.731425                         136184        1e-08
6           89800       71.5186     93.9897        49.0475                                                                                  0.72843                          136320        1e-08
6           89900       72.1616     94.3773        49.9459                                                                                  0.730052                         136473        1e-08
7           90000       64.2985     84.4583        44.1386        72.506                94.9823                   50.0296                   0.740617    0.72476              137936        1e-08
7           90100       81.6931     106.74         56.6462                                                                                  0.733486                         138049        1e-08
7           90200       74.6084     97.5268        51.6901                                                                                  0.731593                         138175        1e-08
     total [#################.................................] 35.54%
this epoch [#####.............................................] 10.84%
     91300 iter, 7 epoch / 20 epochs
   0.71428 iters/sec. Estimated time to finish: 2 days, 16:23:34.613215.

Note that the an4 recipe uses --verbose 1 as default since this recipe is often used for a debugging purpose.

In addition Tensorboard events are automatically logged in the tensorboard/${expname} folder. Therefore, when you install Tensorboard, you can easily compare several experiments by using

$ tensorboard --logdir tensorboard

and connecting to the given address (default : localhost:6006). This will provide the following information: 2018-12-18_19h49_48 Note that we would not include the installation of Tensorboard to simplify our installation process. Please install it manually (pip install tensorflow; pip install tensorboard) when you want to use Tensorboard.

Change options in

We rely on utils/ to paser command line arguments in shell script and it’s used in

e.g. If the script has ngpu option

#!/usr/bin/env bash
. utils/
echo ${ngpu}

Then you can change the value as following:

$ ./ --ngpu 2
echo 2

Use of GPU

  • Training: If you want to use GPUs in your experiment, please set --ngpu option in appropriately, e.g.,

      # use single gpu
      $ ./ --ngpu 1
      # use multi-gpu
      $ ./ --ngpu 3
      # if you want to specify gpus, set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES as follows
      # (Note that if you use slurm, this specification is not needed)
      $ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2 ./ --ngpu 3
      # use cpu
      $ ./ --ngpu 0
    • Default setup uses a single GPU (--ngpu 1).

  • ASR decoding: ESPnet also supports the GPU-based decoding for fast recognition.

    • Please manually remove the following lines in

      #### use CPU for decoding
    • Set 1 or more values for --batchsize option in to enable GPU decoding

    • And execute the script (e.g., --stage 5 --ngpu 1)

    • You’ll achieve significant speed improvement by using the GPU decoding

ESPnet1 Transducer

Important: If you encounter any issue related to Transducer loss, please open an issue in our fork of warp-transducer.

ESPnet supports models trained with Transducer loss, aka Transducer models. To train such model, the following should be set in the training config:

criterion: loss
model-module: "espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.e2e_asr_transducer:E2E"


Several Transducer architectures are currently available in ESPnet:

  • RNN-Transducer (default, e.g.: etype: blstm with dtype: lstm)

  • Custom-Transducer (e.g.: etype: custom and dtype: custom)

  • Mixed Custom/RNN-Transducer (e.g: etype: custom with dtype: lstm)

The architecture specification is separated for the encoder and decoder part, and defined by the user through, respectively, etype and dtype in the training config. If custom is specified for either, a customizable architecture will be used for the corresponding part. Otherwise, an RNN-based architecture will be selected.

Here, the custom architecture is a unique feature of the Transducer model in ESPnet. It was made available to add some flexibility in the architecture definition and ease the reproduction of some SOTA Transducer models mixing different layers types or parameters within the same model part (encoder or decoder). As such, the architecture definition is different compared to the RNN architecture :

  1. Each block (or layer) of the custom architecture should be specified individually through enc-block-arch or/and dec-block-arch parameters:

     # e.g: Conv-Transformer encoder
     etype: custom
             - type: conv1d
               idim: 80
               odim: 32
               kernel_size: [3, 7]
               stride: [1, 2]
             - type: conv1d
               idim: 32
               odim: 32
               kernel_size: 3
               stride: 2
             - type: conv1d
               idim: 32
               odim: 384
               kernel_size: 3
               stride: 1
             - type: transformer
               d_hidden: 384
               d_ff: 1536
               heads: 4
  2. Different block types are allowed for the custom encoder (tdnn, conformer or transformer) and the custom decoder (causal-conv1d or transformer). Each one has a set of mandatory and optional parameters :

     # 1D convolution (TDNN) block
     - type: conv1d
       idim: [Input dimension. (int)]
       odim: [Output dimension. (int)]
       kernel_size: [Size of the context window. (int or tuple)]
       stride (optional): [Stride of the sliding blocks. (int or tuple, default = 1)]
       dilation (optional): [Parameter to control the stride of elements within the neighborhood. (int or tuple, default = 1)]
       groups (optional): [Number of blocked connections from input channels to output channels. (int, default = 1)
       bias (optional): [Whether to add a learnable bias to the output. (bool, default = True)]
       use-relu (optional): [Whether to use a ReLU activation after convolution. (bool, default = True)]
       use-batchnorm: [Whether to use batch normalization after convolution. (bool, default = False)]
       dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for TDNN block. (float, default = 0.0)]
     # Transformer
     - type: transformer
       d_hidden: [Input/output dimension of Transformer block. (int)]
       d_ff: [Hidden dimension of the Feed-forward module. (int)]
       heads: [Number of heads in multi-head attention. (int)]
       dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for Transformer block. (float, default = 0.0)]
       pos-dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for positional encoding module. (float, default = 0.0)]
       att-dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for attention module. (float, default = 0.0)]
     # Conformer
     - type: conformer
       d_hidden: [Input/output dimension of Conformer block (int)]
       d_ff: [Hidden dimension of the Feed-forward module. (int)]
       heads: [Number of heads in multi-head attention. (int)]
       macaron_style: [Whether to use macaron style. (bool)]
       use_conv_mod: [Whether to use convolutional module. (bool)]
       conv_mod_kernel (required if use_conv_mod = True): [Number of kernel in convolutional module. (int)]
       dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for Transformer block. (float, default = 0.0)]
       pos-dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for positional encoding module. (float, default = 0.0)]
       att-dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for attention module. (float, default = 0.0)]
     # Causal Conv1d
     - type: causal-conv1d
       idim: [Input dimension. (int)]
       odim: [Output dimension. (int)]
       kernel_size: [Size of the context window. (int)]
       stride (optional): [Stride of the sliding blocks. (int, default = 1)]
       dilation (optional): [Parameter to control the stride of elements within the neighborhood. (int, default = 1)]
       groups (optional): [Number of blocked connections from input channels to output channels. (int, default = 1)
       bias (optional): [Whether to add a learnable bias to the output. (bool, default = True)]
       use-relu (optional): [Whether to use a ReLU activation after convolution. (bool, default = True)]
       use-batchnorm: [Whether to use batch normalization after convolution. (bool, default = False)]
       dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout-rate for TDNN block. (float, default = 0.0)]
  3. The defined architecture can be repeated by specifying the total number of blocks/layers in the architecture through enc-block-repeat or/and dec-block-repeat parameters:

     # e.g.: 2x (Causal-Conv1d + Transformer) decoder
     dtype: transformer
             - type: causal-conv1d
               idim: 256
               odim: 256
               kernel_size: 5
             - type: transformer
               d_hidden: 256
               d_ff: 256
               heads: 4
               dropout-rate: 0.1
               att-dropout-rate: 0.4
     dec-block-repeat: 2

Multi-task learning

We also support multi-task learning with various auxiliary losses, such as: CTC, cross-entropy w/ label-smoothing (LM loss), auxiliary Transducer, and symmetric KL divergence. The four losses can be simultaneously trained with main Transducer loss to jointly optimize the total loss defined as:

augmented Transducer training

where the losses are respectively, in order: The main Transducer loss, the CTC loss, the auxiliary Transducer loss, the symmetric KL divergence loss, and the LM loss. Lambda values define their respective contribution to the overall loss. Additionally, each loss can be independently selected or omitted depending on the task.

Each loss can be defined in the training config alongside its specific options, such as follow:

    # Transducer loss (L1)
    transducer-loss-weight: [Weight of the main Transducer loss (float)]

    # CTC loss (L2)
    use-ctc-loss: True
    ctc-loss-weight (optional): [Weight of the CTC loss. (float, default = 0.5)]
    ctc-loss-dropout-rate (optional): [Dropout rate for encoder output representation. (float, default = 0.0)]

    # Auxiliary Transducer loss (L3)
    use-aux-transducer-loss: True
    aux-transducer-loss-weight (optional): [Weight of the auxiliary Transducer loss. (float, default = 0.4)]
    aux-transducer-loss-enc-output-layers (required if use-aux-transducer-loss = True): [List of intermediate encoder layer IDs to compute auxiliary Transducer loss(es). (list)]
    aux-transducer-loss-mlp-dim (optional): [Hidden dimension for the MLP network. (int, default = 320)]
    aux-transducer-loss-mlp-dropout-rate: [Dropout rate for the MLP network. (float, default = 0.0)]

    # Symmetric KL divergence loss (L4)
    # Note: It can be only used in addition to the auxiliary Transducer loss.
    use-symm-kl-div-loss: True
    symm-kl-div-loss-weight (optional): [Weight of the symmetric KL divergence loss. (float, default = 0.2)]

    # LM loss (L5)
    use-lm-loss: True
    lm-loss-weight (optional): [Weight of the LM loss. (float, default = 0.2)]
    lm-loss-smoothing-rate: [Smoothing rate for LM loss. If > 0, label smoothing is enabled. (float, default = 0.0)]


Various decoding algorithms are also available for Transducer by setting beam-size and search-type parameters in decode config.

  • Greedy search constrained to one emission by timestep (beam-size: 1).

  • Beam search algorithm without prefix search (beam-size: >1 and search-type: default).

  • Time Synchronous Decoding [Saon et al., 2020] (beam-size: >1 and search-type: tsd).

  • Alignment-Length Synchronous Decoding [Saon et al., 2020] (beam-size: >1 and search-type: alsd).

  • N-step Constrained beam search modified from [Kim et al., 2020] (beam-size: >1 and search-type: default).

  • modified Adaptive Expansion Search, based on [Kim et al., 2021] and NSC (beam-size: >1 and search-type: maes).

The algorithms share two parameters to control beam size (beam-size) and final hypotheses normalization (score-norm-transducer). The specific parameters for each algorithm are:

    # Default beam search
    search-type: default

    # Time-synchronous decoding
    search-type: tsd
    max-sym-exp: [Number of maximum symbol expansions at each time step (int)]

    # Alignement-length decoding
    search-type: alsd
    u-max: [Maximum output sequence length (int)]

    # N-step Constrained beam search
    search-type: nsc
    nstep: [Number of maximum expansion steps at each time step (int)]
           # nstep = max-sym-exp + 1 (blank)
    prefix-alpha: [Maximum prefix length in prefix search (int)]

    # modified Adaptive Expansion Search
    search-type: maes
    nstep: [Number of maximum expansion steps at each time step (int, > 1)]
    prefix-alpha: [Maximum prefix length in prefix search (int)]
    expansion-gamma: [Number of additional candidates in expanded hypotheses selection (int)]
    expansion-beta: [Allowed logp difference for prune-by-value method (float, > 0)]

Except for the default algorithm, the described parameters are used to control the performance and decoding speed. The optimal values for each parameter are task-dependent; a high value will typically increase decoding time to focus on performance while a low value will improve decoding time at the expense of performance.

Additional notes

  • Similarly to training with CTC, Transducer does not output the validation accuracy. Thus, the optimum model is selected with its loss value (i.e., –recog_model

  • There are several differences between MTL and Transducer training/decoding options. The users should refer to espnet/espnet/nets/pytorch_backend/ for an overview and espnet/espnet/nets/pytorch_backend/transducer/arguments for all possible arguments.

  • FastEmit regularization [Yu et al., 2021] is available through --fastemit-lambda training parameter (default = 0.0).

  • RNN-decoder pre-initialization using an LM is supported. Note that regular decoder keys are expected. The LM state dict keys (predictor.*) will be renamed according to AM state dict keys (dec.*).

  • Transformer-decoder pre-initialization using a Transformer LM is not supported yet.

Changing the training configuration

The default configurations for training and decoding are written in conf/train.yaml and conf/decode.yaml respectively. It can be overwritten by specific arguments: e.g.

# e.g. --config conf/train.yaml --batch-size 24
# e.g.--config2 and --config3 are also provided and the latter option can overwrite the former. --config conf/train.yaml --config2 conf/new.yaml

In this way, you need to edit and it might be inconvenient sometimes. Instead of giving arguments directly, we recommend you to modify the yaml file and give it to

# e.g.
./ --train-config conf/train_modified.yaml
# e.g.
./ --train-config conf/train_modified.yaml --decode-config conf/decode_modified.yaml

We also provide a utility to generate a yaml file from the input yaml file:

# e.g. You can give any parameters as '-a key=value' and '-a' is repeatable.
#      This generates new file at 'conf/train_batch-size24_epochs10.yaml'
./ --train-config $( conf/train.yaml -a batch-size=24 -a epochs=10)
# e.g. '-o' option specifies the output file name instead of auto named file.
./ --train-config $( conf/train.yaml -o conf/train2.yaml -a batch-size=24)

How to set minibatch

From espnet v0.4.0, we have three options in --batch-count to specify minibatch size (see espnet.utils.batchfy for implementation);

  1. --batch-count seq --batch-seqs 32 --batch-seq-maxlen-in 800 --batch-seq-maxlen-out 150.

    This option is compatible to the old setting before v0.4.0. This counts the minibatch size as the number of sequences and reduces the size when the maximum length of the input or output sequences is greater than 800 or 150, respectively.

  2. --batch-count bin --batch-bins 100000.

    This creates the minibatch that has the maximum number of bins under 100 in the padded input/output minibatch tensor (i.e., max(ilen) * idim + max(olen) * odim). Basically, this option makes training iteration faster than --batch-count seq. If you already has the best --batch-seqs x config, try --batch-bins $((x * (mean(ilen) * idim + mean(olen) * odim))).

  3. --batch-count frame --batch-frames-in 800 --batch-frames-out 100 --batch-frames-inout 900.

    This creates the minibatch that has the maximum number of input, output and input+output frames under 800, 100 and 900, respectively. You can set one of --batch-frames-xxx partially. Like --batch-bins, this option makes training iteration faster than --batch-count seq. If you already has the best --batch-seqs x config, try --batch-frames-in $((x * (mean(ilen) * idim)) --batch-frames-out $((x * mean(olen) * odim)).

How to use finetuning

ESPnet currently supports two finetuning operations: transfer learning and freezing. We expect the user to define the following options in its main training config (e.g.: conf/train*.yaml). If needed, they can be directly passed to (asr|tts|vc) by adding the prefix -- to the options.

Transfer learning

  • Transfer learning option is split between encoder initialization (enc-init) and decoder initialization (dec-init). However, the same model can be specified for both options.

  • Each option takes a snapshot path (e.g.: [espnet_model_path]/results/snapshot.ep.1) or model path (e.g.: [espnet_model_path]/results/ as argument.

  • Additionally, a list of encoder and decoder modules (separated by a comma) can also be specified to control the modules to transfer with the options enc-init-mods and dec-init-mods.

  • For each specified module, we only expect a partial match with the start of the target model module name. Thus, multiple modules can be specified with the same key if they share a common prefix.

    Mandatory: enc-init: /home/usr/espnet/egs/vivos/asr1/exp/train_nodev_pytorch_train/results/ -> specify a pre-trained model on VIVOS for transfer learning. > Example 1: enc-init-mods: 'enc.' -> transfer all encoder parameters. > Example 2: enc-init-mods: 'enc.embed.,enc.0.' -> transfer encoder embedding layer and first layer parameters.


  • Freezing option can be enabled with freeze-mods, (freeze_param in espnet2).

  • The option take a list of model modules (separated by a comma) as argument. As previously, we do not expect a complete match for the specified modules.

    Example 1: freeze-mods: 'enc.embed.' -> freeze encoder embedding layer parameters. Example 2: freeze-mods: 'dec.embed,dec.0.' -> freeze decoder embedding layer and first layer parameters. Example 3 (espnet2): freeze_param: 'encoder.embed' -> freeze encoder embedding layer parameters.

Important notes

  • Given a pre-trained source model, the modules specified for transfer learning are expected to have the same parameters (i.e.: layers and units) as the target model modules.

  • We also support initialization with a pre-trained RNN LM for the RNN-Transducer decoder.

  • RNN models use different key names for encoder and decoder parts compared to Transformer, Conformer or Custom models:

    • RNN model use enc. for encoder part and dec. for decoder part.

    • Transformer/Conformer/Custom model use encoder. for encoder part and decoder. for decoder part.

Chainer and Pytorch backends

Chainer Pytorch
Multi-GPU supported supported
VGG-like encoder supported supported
Transformer supported supported
RNNLM integration supported supported
#Attention types 3 (no attention, dot, location) 12 including variants of multihead
TTS recipe support no support supported