Source code for espnet2.layers.sinc_conv

#!/usr/bin/env python3
#  2020, Technische Universität München;  Ludwig Kürzinger
#  Apache 2.0  (

"""Sinc convolutions."""
import math
from typing import Union

import torch
from typeguard import check_argument_types

[docs]class LogCompression(torch.nn.Module): """Log Compression Activation. Activation function `log(abs(x) + 1)`. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize.""" super().__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Forward. Applies the Log Compression function elementwise on tensor x. """ return torch.log(torch.abs(x) + 1)
[docs]class SincConv(torch.nn.Module): """Sinc Convolution. This module performs a convolution using Sinc filters in time domain as kernel. Sinc filters function as band passes in spectral domain. The filtering is done as a convolution in time domain, and no transformation to spectral domain is necessary. This implementation of the Sinc convolution is heavily inspired by Ravanelli et al., and adapted for the ESpnet toolkit. Combine Sinc convolutions with a log compression activation function, as in: Notes: Currently, the same filters are applied to all input channels. The windowing function is applied on the kernel to obtained a smoother filter, and not on the input values, which is different to traditional ASR. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int, stride: int = 1, padding: int = 0, dilation: int = 1, window_func: str = "hamming", scale_type: str = "mel", fs: Union[int, float] = 16000, ): """Initialize Sinc convolutions. Args: in_channels: Number of input channels. out_channels: Number of output channels. kernel_size: Sinc filter kernel size (needs to be an odd number). stride: See torch.nn.functional.conv1d. padding: See torch.nn.functional.conv1d. dilation: See torch.nn.functional.conv1d. window_func: Window function on the filter, one of ["hamming", "none"]. fs (str, int, float): Sample rate of the input data """ assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() window_funcs = { "none": self.none_window, "hamming": self.hamming_window, } if window_func not in window_funcs: raise NotImplementedError( f"Window function has to be one of {list(window_funcs.keys())}", ) self.window_func = window_funcs[window_func] scale_choices = { "mel": MelScale, "bark": BarkScale, } if scale_type not in scale_choices: raise NotImplementedError( f"Scale has to be one of {list(scale_choices.keys())}", ) self.scale = scale_choices[scale_type] self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.padding = padding self.dilation = dilation self.stride = stride self.fs = float(fs) if self.kernel_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("SincConv: Kernel size must be odd.") self.f = None N = self.kernel_size // 2 self._x = 2 * math.pi * torch.linspace(1, N, N) self._window = self.window_func(torch.linspace(1, N, N)) # init may get overwritten by E2E network, # but is still required to calculate output dim self.init_filters()
[docs] @staticmethod def sinc(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Sinc function.""" x2 = x + 1e-6 return torch.sin(x2) / x2
[docs] @staticmethod def none_window(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Identity-like windowing function.""" return torch.ones_like(x)
[docs] @staticmethod def hamming_window(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Hamming Windowing function.""" L = 2 * x.size(0) + 1 x = x.flip(0) return 0.54 - 0.46 * torch.cos(2.0 * math.pi * x / L)
[docs] def init_filters(self): """Initialize filters with filterbank values.""" f =, self.fs) f = torch.div(f, self.fs) self.f = torch.nn.Parameter(f, requires_grad=True)
def _create_filters(self, device: str): """Calculate coefficients. This function (re-)calculates the filter convolutions coefficients. """ f_mins = torch.abs(self.f[:, 0]) f_maxs = torch.abs(self.f[:, 0]) + torch.abs(self.f[:, 1] - self.f[:, 0]) self._x = self._window = f_mins_x = torch.matmul(f_mins.view(-1, 1), self._x.view(1, -1)) f_maxs_x = torch.matmul(f_maxs.view(-1, 1), self._x.view(1, -1)) kernel = (torch.sin(f_maxs_x) - torch.sin(f_mins_x)) / (0.5 * self._x) kernel = kernel * self._window kernel_left = kernel.flip(1) kernel_center = (2 * f_maxs - 2 * f_mins).unsqueeze(1) filters =[kernel_left, kernel_center, kernel], dim=1) filters = filters.view(filters.size(0), 1, filters.size(1)) self.sinc_filters = filters
[docs] def forward(self, xs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Sinc convolution forward function. Args: xs: Batch in form of torch.Tensor (B, C_in, D_in). Returns: xs: Batch in form of torch.Tensor (B, C_out, D_out). """ self._create_filters(xs.device) xs = torch.nn.functional.conv1d( xs, self.sinc_filters, padding=self.padding, stride=self.stride, dilation=self.dilation, groups=self.in_channels, ) return xs
[docs] def get_odim(self, idim: int) -> int: """Obtain the output dimension of the filter.""" D_out = idim + 2 * self.padding - self.dilation * (self.kernel_size - 1) - 1 D_out = (D_out // self.stride) + 1 return D_out
[docs]class MelScale: """Mel frequency scale."""
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(f): """Convert Hz to mel.""" return 1125.0 * torch.log(torch.div(f, 700.0) + 1.0)
[docs] @staticmethod def invert(x): """Convert mel to Hz.""" return 700.0 * (torch.exp(torch.div(x, 1125.0)) - 1.0)
[docs] @classmethod def bank(cls, channels: int, fs: float) -> torch.Tensor: """Obtain initialization values for the mel scale. Args: channels: Number of channels. fs: Sample rate. Returns: torch.Tensor: Filter start frequencíes. torch.Tensor: Filter stop frequencies. """ assert check_argument_types() # min and max bandpass edge frequencies min_frequency = torch.tensor(30.0) max_frequency = torch.tensor(fs * 0.5) frequencies = torch.linspace( cls.convert(min_frequency), cls.convert(max_frequency), channels + 2 ) frequencies = cls.invert(frequencies) f1, f2 = frequencies[:-2], frequencies[2:] return torch.stack([f1, f2], dim=1)
[docs]class BarkScale: """Bark frequency scale. Has wider bandwidths at lower frequencies, see: Critical bandwidth: BARK Zwicker and Terhardt, 1980 """
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(f): """Convert Hz to Bark.""" b = torch.div(f, 1000.0) b = torch.pow(b, 2.0) * 1.4 b = torch.pow(b + 1.0, 0.69) return b * 75.0 + 25.0
[docs] @staticmethod def invert(x): """Convert Bark to Hz.""" f = torch.div(x - 25.0, 75.0) f = torch.pow(f, (1.0 / 0.69)) f = torch.div(f - 1.0, 1.4) f = torch.pow(f, 0.5) return f * 1000.0
[docs] @classmethod def bank(cls, channels: int, fs: float) -> torch.Tensor: """Obtain initialization values for the Bark scale. Args: channels: Number of channels. fs: Sample rate. Returns: torch.Tensor: Filter start frequencíes. torch.Tensor: Filter stop frequencíes. """ assert check_argument_types() # min and max BARK center frequencies by approximation min_center_frequency = torch.tensor(70.0) max_center_frequency = torch.tensor(fs * 0.45) center_frequencies = torch.linspace( cls.convert(min_center_frequency), cls.convert(max_center_frequency), channels, ) center_frequencies = cls.invert(center_frequencies) f1 = center_frequencies - torch.div(cls.convert(center_frequencies), 2) f2 = center_frequencies + torch.div(cls.convert(center_frequencies), 2) return torch.stack([f1, f2], dim=1)