Source code for espnet2.layers.mask_along_axis

import math
from typing import Sequence, Union

import torch
from typeguard import check_argument_types

[docs]def mask_along_axis( spec: torch.Tensor, spec_lengths: torch.Tensor, mask_width_range: Sequence[int] = (0, 30), dim: int = 1, num_mask: int = 2, replace_with_zero: bool = True, ): """Apply mask along the specified direction. Args: spec: (Batch, Length, Freq) spec_lengths: (Length): Not using lengths in this implementation mask_width_range: Select the width randomly between this range """ org_size = spec.size() if spec.dim() == 4: # spec: (Batch, Channel, Length, Freq) -> (Batch * Channel, Length, Freq) spec = spec.view(-1, spec.size(2), spec.size(3)) B = spec.shape[0] # D = Length or Freq D = spec.shape[dim] # mask_length: (B, num_mask, 1) mask_length = torch.randint( mask_width_range[0], mask_width_range[1], (B, num_mask), device=spec.device, ).unsqueeze(2) # mask_pos: (B, num_mask, 1) mask_pos = torch.randint( 0, max(1, D - mask_length.max()), (B, num_mask), device=spec.device ).unsqueeze(2) # aran: (1, 1, D) aran = torch.arange(D, device=spec.device)[None, None, :] # mask: (Batch, num_mask, D) mask = (mask_pos <= aran) * (aran < (mask_pos + mask_length)) # Multiply masks: (Batch, num_mask, D) -> (Batch, D) mask = mask.any(dim=1) if dim == 1: # mask: (Batch, Length, 1) mask = mask.unsqueeze(2) elif dim == 2: # mask: (Batch, 1, Freq) mask = mask.unsqueeze(1) if replace_with_zero: value = 0.0 else: value = spec.mean() if spec.requires_grad: spec = spec.masked_fill(mask, value) else: spec = spec.masked_fill_(mask, value) spec = spec.view(*org_size) return spec, spec_lengths
[docs]class MaskAlongAxis(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, mask_width_range: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = (0, 30), num_mask: int = 2, dim: Union[int, str] = "time", replace_with_zero: bool = True, ): assert check_argument_types() if isinstance(mask_width_range, int): mask_width_range = (0, mask_width_range) if len(mask_width_range) != 2: raise TypeError( f"mask_width_range must be a tuple of int and int values: " f"{mask_width_range}", ) assert mask_width_range[1] > mask_width_range[0] if isinstance(dim, str): if dim == "time": dim = 1 elif dim == "freq": dim = 2 else: raise ValueError("dim must be int, 'time' or 'freq'") if dim == 1: self.mask_axis = "time" elif dim == 2: self.mask_axis = "freq" else: self.mask_axis = "unknown" super().__init__() self.mask_width_range = mask_width_range self.num_mask = num_mask self.dim = dim self.replace_with_zero = replace_with_zero
[docs] def extra_repr(self): return ( f"mask_width_range={self.mask_width_range}, " f"num_mask={self.num_mask}, axis={self.mask_axis}" )
[docs] def forward(self, spec: torch.Tensor, spec_lengths: torch.Tensor = None): """Forward function. Args: spec: (Batch, Length, Freq) """ return mask_along_axis( spec, spec_lengths, mask_width_range=self.mask_width_range, dim=self.dim, num_mask=self.num_mask, replace_with_zero=self.replace_with_zero, )
[docs]class MaskAlongAxisVariableMaxWidth(torch.nn.Module): """Mask input spec along a specified axis with variable maximum width. Formula: max_width = max_width_ratio * seq_len """ def __init__( self, mask_width_ratio_range: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = (0.0, 0.05), num_mask: int = 2, dim: Union[int, str] = "time", replace_with_zero: bool = True, ): assert check_argument_types() if isinstance(mask_width_ratio_range, float): mask_width_ratio_range = (0.0, mask_width_ratio_range) if len(mask_width_ratio_range) != 2: raise TypeError( f"mask_width_ratio_range must be a tuple of float and float values: " f"{mask_width_ratio_range}", ) assert mask_width_ratio_range[1] > mask_width_ratio_range[0] if isinstance(dim, str): if dim == "time": dim = 1 elif dim == "freq": dim = 2 else: raise ValueError("dim must be int, 'time' or 'freq'") if dim == 1: self.mask_axis = "time" elif dim == 2: self.mask_axis = "freq" else: self.mask_axis = "unknown" super().__init__() self.mask_width_ratio_range = mask_width_ratio_range self.num_mask = num_mask self.dim = dim self.replace_with_zero = replace_with_zero
[docs] def extra_repr(self): return ( f"mask_width_ratio_range={self.mask_width_ratio_range}, " f"num_mask={self.num_mask}, axis={self.mask_axis}" )
[docs] def forward(self, spec: torch.Tensor, spec_lengths: torch.Tensor = None): """Forward function. Args: spec: (Batch, Length, Freq) """ max_seq_len = spec.shape[self.dim] min_mask_width = math.floor(max_seq_len * self.mask_width_ratio_range[0]) min_mask_width = max([0, min_mask_width]) max_mask_width = math.floor(max_seq_len * self.mask_width_ratio_range[1]) max_mask_width = min([max_seq_len, max_mask_width]) if max_mask_width > min_mask_width: return mask_along_axis( spec, spec_lengths, mask_width_range=(min_mask_width, max_mask_width), dim=self.dim, num_mask=self.num_mask, replace_with_zero=self.replace_with_zero, ) return spec, spec_lengths