Source code for espnet2.iterators.chunk_iter_factory

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from typeguard import check_argument_types

from espnet2.iterators.abs_iter_factory import AbsIterFactory
from espnet2.iterators.sequence_iter_factory import SequenceIterFactory
from espnet2.samplers.abs_sampler import AbsSampler

[docs]class ChunkIterFactory(AbsIterFactory): """Creates chunks from a sequence Examples: >>> batches = [["id1"], ["id2"], ...] >>> batch_size = 128 >>> chunk_length = 1000 >>> iter_factory = ChunkIterFactory(dataset, batches, batch_size, chunk_length) >>> it = iter_factory.build_iter(epoch) >>> for ids, batch in it: ... ... - The number of mini-batches are varied in each epochs and we can't get the number in advance because IterFactory doesn't be given to the length information. - Since the first reason, "num_iters_per_epoch" can't be implemented for this iterator. Instead of it, "num_samples_per_epoch" is implemented. """ def __init__( self, dataset, batch_size: int, batches: Union[AbsSampler, Sequence[Sequence[Any]]], chunk_length: Union[int, str], chunk_shift_ratio: float = 0.5, num_cache_chunks: int = 1024, num_samples_per_epoch: Optional[int] = None, seed: int = 0, shuffle: bool = False, num_workers: int = 0, collate_fn=None, pin_memory: bool = False, excluded_key_prefixes: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): assert check_argument_types() assert all(len(x) == 1 for x in batches), "batch-size must be 1" self.per_sample_iter_factory = SequenceIterFactory( dataset=dataset, batches=batches, num_iters_per_epoch=num_samples_per_epoch, seed=seed, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=pin_memory, ) self.num_cache_chunks = max(num_cache_chunks, batch_size) if isinstance(chunk_length, str): if len(chunk_length) == 0: raise ValueError("e.g. 5,8 or 3-5: but got empty string") self.chunk_lengths = [] for x in chunk_length.split(","): try: sps = list(map(int, x.split("-"))) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"e.g. 5,8 or 3-5: but got {chunk_length}") if len(sps) > 2: raise ValueError(f"e.g. 5,8 or 3-5: but got {chunk_length}") elif len(sps) == 2: # Append all numbers between the range into the candidates self.chunk_lengths += list(range(sps[0], sps[1] + 1)) else: self.chunk_lengths += [sps[0]] else: # Single candidates: Fixed chunk length self.chunk_lengths = [chunk_length] self.chunk_shift_ratio = chunk_shift_ratio self.batch_size = batch_size self.seed = seed self.shuffle = shuffle # keys that satisfy either condition below will be excluded from the length # consistency check: # - exactly match one of the prefixes in `excluded_key_prefixes` # - have one of the prefixes in `excluded_key_prefixes` and end with numbers if excluded_key_prefixes is None: excluded_key_prefixes = ["utt2category"] elif "utt2category" not in excluded_key_prefixes: excluded_key_prefixes = excluded_key_prefixes + ["utt2category"] self.excluded_key_pattern = ( "(" + "[0-9]*)|(".join(excluded_key_prefixes) + "[0-9]*)" ) if self.excluded_key_pattern: f"Data keys with the following patterns will be excluded from the " f"length consistency check:\n{self.excluded_key_pattern}" )
[docs] def build_iter( self, epoch: int, shuffle: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: per_sample_loader = self.per_sample_iter_factory.build_iter(epoch, shuffle) if shuffle is None: shuffle = self.shuffle state = np.random.RandomState(epoch + self.seed) # NOTE(kamo): # This iterator supports multiple chunk lengths and # keep chunks for each lengths here until collecting specified numbers cache_chunks_dict = defaultdict(dict) cache_id_list_dict = defaultdict(dict) for ids, batch in per_sample_loader: # Must be per-sample-loader assert len(ids) == 1, f"Must be per-sample-loader: {len(ids)}" assert all(len(x) == 1 for x in batch.values()) # Get keys of sequence data sequence_keys = [] for key in batch: if key + "_lengths" in batch: sequence_keys.append(key) # Remove lengths data and get the first sample batch = {k: v[0] for k, v in batch.items() if not k.endswith("_lengths")} id_ = ids[0] for key in sequence_keys: if self.excluded_key_pattern is not None and re.fullmatch( self.excluded_key_pattern, key ): # ignore length inconsistency for `excluded_key_prefixes` continue if len(batch[key]) != len(batch[sequence_keys[0]]): raise RuntimeError( f"All sequences must has same length: " f"{len(batch[key])} != {len(batch[sequence_keys[0]])}" ) L = len(batch[sequence_keys[0]]) # Select chunk length chunk_lengths = [lg for lg in self.chunk_lengths if lg < L] if len(chunk_lengths) == 0: logging.warning( f"The length of '{id_}' is {L}, but it is shorter than " f"any candidates of chunk-length: {self.chunk_lengths}" ) continue # Convert numpy array to number category = ( batch.get("utt2category", torch.LongTensor([0])) .type(torch.int64) .item() ) W = int(state.choice(chunk_lengths, 1)) cache_id_list = cache_id_list_dict[category].setdefault(W, []) cache_chunks = cache_chunks_dict[category].setdefault(W, {}) # Shift width to the next chunk S = int(W * self.chunk_shift_ratio) # Number of chunks N = (L - W) // S + 1 if shuffle: Z = state.randint(0, (L - W) % S + 1) else: Z = 0 # Split a sequence into chunks. # Note that the marginal frames divided by chunk length are discarded for k, v in batch.items(): if k not in cache_chunks: cache_chunks[k] = [] if k in sequence_keys: # Shift chunks with overlapped length for data augmentation if self.excluded_key_pattern is not None and re.fullmatch( self.excluded_key_pattern, k ): for _ in range(N): cache_chunks[k].append(v) else: cache_chunks[k] += [ v[Z + i * S : Z + i * S + W] for i in range(N) ] else: # If not sequence, use whole data instead of chunk cache_chunks[k] += [v for _ in range(N)] cache_id_list += [id_ for _ in range(N)] if len(cache_id_list) > self.num_cache_chunks: cache_id_list, cache_chunks = yield from self._generate_mini_batches( cache_id_list, cache_chunks, shuffle, state, ) cache_id_list_dict[category][W] = cache_id_list cache_chunks_dict[category][W] = cache_chunks else: for category in cache_id_list_dict.keys(): for W in cache_id_list_dict[category]: cache_id_list = cache_id_list_dict[category].setdefault(W, []) cache_chunks = cache_chunks_dict[category].setdefault(W, {}) yield from self._generate_mini_batches( cache_id_list, cache_chunks, shuffle, state, )
def _generate_mini_batches( self, id_list: List[str], batches: Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]], shuffle: bool, state: np.random.RandomState, ): if shuffle: indices = np.arange(0, len(id_list)) state.shuffle(indices) batches = {k: [v[i] for i in indices] for k, v in batches.items()} id_list = [id_list[i] for i in indices] bs = self.batch_size while len(id_list) >= bs: # Make mini-batch and yield yield ( id_list[:bs], {k: torch.stack(v[:bs], 0) for k, v in batches.items()}, ) id_list = id_list[bs:] batches = {k: v[bs:] for k, v in batches.items()} return id_list, batches