Source code for espnet2.fileio.read_text

import logging
from mmap import mmap
from pathlib import Path
from random import randint
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from typeguard import check_argument_types

[docs]def read_2columns_text(path: Union[Path, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Read a text file having 2 columns as dict object. Examples: wav.scp: key1 /some/path/a.wav key2 /some/path/b.wav >>> read_2columns_text('wav.scp') {'key1': '/some/path/a.wav', 'key2': '/some/path/b.wav'} """ assert check_argument_types() data = {} with Path(path).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for linenum, line in enumerate(f, 1): sps = line.rstrip().split(maxsplit=1) if len(sps) == 1: k, v = sps[0], "" else: k, v = sps if k in data: raise RuntimeError(f"{k} is duplicated ({path}:{linenum})") data[k] = v return data
[docs]def read_multi_columns_text( path: Union[Path, str], return_unsplit: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[str]], Optional[Dict[str, str]]]: """Read a text file having 2 or more columns as dict object. Examples: wav.scp: key1 /some/path/a1.wav /some/path/a2.wav key2 /some/path/b1.wav /some/path/b2.wav /some/path/b3.wav key3 /some/path/c1.wav ... >>> read_multi_columns_text('wav.scp') {'key1': ['/some/path/a1.wav', '/some/path/a2.wav'], 'key2': ['/some/path/b1.wav', '/some/path/b2.wav', '/some/path/b3.wav'], 'key3': ['/some/path/c1.wav']} """ assert check_argument_types() data = {} if return_unsplit: unsplit_data = {} else: unsplit_data = None with Path(path).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for linenum, line in enumerate(f, 1): sps = line.rstrip().split(maxsplit=1) if len(sps) == 1: k, v = sps[0], "" else: k, v = sps if k in data: raise RuntimeError(f"{k} is duplicated ({path}:{linenum})") data[k] = v.split() if v != "" else [""] if return_unsplit: unsplit_data[k] = v return data, unsplit_data
[docs]def load_num_sequence_text( path: Union[Path, str], loader_type: str = "csv_int" ) -> Dict[str, List[Union[float, int]]]: """Read a text file indicating sequences of number Examples: key1 1 2 3 key2 34 5 6 >>> d = load_num_sequence_text('text') >>> np.testing.assert_array_equal(d["key1"], np.array([1, 2, 3])) """ assert check_argument_types() if loader_type == "text_int": delimiter = " " dtype = int elif loader_type == "text_float": delimiter = " " dtype = float elif loader_type == "csv_int": delimiter = "," dtype = int elif loader_type == "csv_float": delimiter = "," dtype = float else: raise ValueError(f"Not supported loader_type={loader_type}") # path looks like: # utta 1,0 # uttb 3,4,5 # -> return {'utta': np.ndarray([1, 0]), # 'uttb': np.ndarray([3, 4, 5])} d = read_2columns_text(path) # Using for-loop instead of dict-comprehension for debuggability retval = {} for k, v in d.items(): try: retval[k] = [dtype(i) for i in v.split(delimiter)] except TypeError: logging.error(f'Error happened with path="{path}", id="{k}", value="{v}"') raise return retval
[docs]def read_label(path: Union[Path, str]) -> Dict[str, List[Union[float, int]]]: """Read a text file indicating sequences of number Examples: key1 start_time_1 end_time_1 phone_1 start_time_2 end_time_2 phone_2 ....\n key2 start_time_1 end_time_1 phone_1 \n >>> d = load_num_sequence_text('label') >>> np.testing.assert_array_equal(d["key1"], [0.1, 0.2, "啊"])) """ assert check_argument_types() label = open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") retval = {} for label_line in label.readlines(): line = label_line.strip().split() key = line[0] phn_info = line[1:] temp_info = [] for i in range(len(phn_info) // 3): temp_info.append( [phn_info[i * 3], phn_info[i * 3 + 1], phn_info[i * 3 + 2]] ) retval[key] = temp_info return retval
[docs]class RandomTextReader( """Reader class for random access to text. Simple text reader for non-pair text data (for unsupervised ASR) Instead of loading the whole text into memory (often large for UASR), the reader consumes text which stores in byte-offset of each text file and randomly selected unpaired text from it for training using mmap. Examples: text text1line text2line text3line scp 11 00000000000000000010 00000000110000000020 00000000210000000030 scp explanation (number of digits per int value) (text start at bytes 0 and end at bytes 10 (including "\n")) (text start at bytes 11 and end at bytes 20 (including "\n")) (text start at bytes 21 and end at bytes 30 (including "\n")) """ def __init__( self, text_and_scp: str, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() text, text_scp = text_and_scp.split("-") text_f = Path(text).open("r+b") scp_f = Path(text_scp).open("r+b") self.text_mm = mmap(text_f.fileno(), 0) self.scp_mm = mmap(scp_f.fileno(), 0) max_num_digits_line = self.scp_mm.readline() max_num_digits = int(max_num_digits_line) assert max_num_digits > 0 self.first_line_offset = len(max_num_digits_line) self.max_num_digits = max_num_digits self.stride = 2 * max_num_digits + 1 num_text_bites = len(self.scp_mm) - len(max_num_digits_line) assert num_text_bites % self.stride == 0 num_lines = num_text_bites // self.stride self.num_lines = num_lines def __getitem__(self, key): # choose random line from scp # the first line defines the max number of digits random_line_number = randint(0, self.num_lines - 1) # get the number of bytes of corresponding line in text scp_start_bytes = self.first_line_offset scp_start_bytes += random_line_number * self.stride scp_end_bytes = scp_start_bytes + self.stride - 1 text_start_bytes = int( self.scp_mm[scp_start_bytes : scp_start_bytes + self.max_num_digits] ) text_end_bytes = int( self.scp_mm[scp_start_bytes + self.max_num_digits : scp_end_bytes] ) # retrieve text line text = self.text_mm[text_start_bytes:text_end_bytes].decode("utf-8") return text def __contains__(self, item): return True def __len__(self): return self.num_lines def __iter__(self): return None
[docs] def keys(self): return None