Source code for espnet2.enh.separator.tfgridnet_separator

import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import init
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter

from espnet2.enh.decoder.stft_decoder import STFTDecoder
from espnet2.enh.encoder.stft_encoder import STFTEncoder
from espnet2.enh.layers.complex_utils import new_complex_like
from espnet2.enh.separator.abs_separator import AbsSeparator
from espnet2.torch_utils.get_layer_from_string import get_layer

[docs]class TFGridNet(AbsSeparator): """Offline TFGridNet Reference: [1] Z.-Q. Wang, S. Cornell, S. Choi, Y. Lee, B.-Y. Kim, and S. Watanabe, "TF-GridNet: Integrating Full- and Sub-Band Modeling for Speech Separation", in arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.12433, 2022. [2] Z.-Q. Wang, S. Cornell, S. Choi, Y. Lee, B.-Y. Kim, and S. Watanabe, "TF-GridNet: Making Time-Frequency Domain Models Great Again for Monaural Speaker Separation", in arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.03952, 2022. NOTES: As outlined in the Reference, this model works best when trained with variance normalized mixture input and target, e.g., with mixture of shape [batch, samples, microphones], you normalize it by dividing with torch.std(mixture, (1, 2)). You must do the same for the target signals. It is encouraged to do so when not using scale-invariant loss functions such as SI-SDR. Args: input_dim: placeholder, not used n_srcs: number of output sources/speakers. n_fft: stft window size. stride: stft stride. window: stft window type choose between 'hamming', 'hanning' or None. n_imics: number of microphones channels (only fixed-array geometry supported). n_layers: number of TFGridNet blocks. lstm_hidden_units: number of hidden units in LSTM. attn_n_head: number of heads in self-attention attn_approx_qk_dim: approximate dimention of frame-level key and value tensors emb_dim: embedding dimension emb_ks: kernel size for unfolding and deconv1D emb_hs: hop size for unfolding and deconv1D activation: activation function to use in the whole TFGridNet model, you can use any torch supported activation e.g. 'relu' or 'elu'. eps: small epsilon for normalization layers. use_builtin_complex: whether to use builtin complex type or not. """ def __init__( self, input_dim, n_srcs=2, n_fft=128, stride=64, window="hann", n_imics=1, n_layers=6, lstm_hidden_units=192, attn_n_head=4, attn_approx_qk_dim=512, emb_dim=48, emb_ks=4, emb_hs=1, activation="prelu", eps=1.0e-5, use_builtin_complex=False, ): super().__init__() self.n_srcs = n_srcs self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_imics = n_imics assert n_fft % 2 == 0 n_freqs = n_fft // 2 + 1 self.enc = STFTEncoder( n_fft, n_fft, stride, window=window, use_builtin_complex=use_builtin_complex ) self.dec = STFTDecoder(n_fft, n_fft, stride, window=window) t_ksize = 3 ks, padding = (t_ksize, 3), (t_ksize // 2, 1) self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(2 * n_imics, emb_dim, ks, padding=padding), nn.GroupNorm(1, emb_dim, eps=eps), ) self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([]) for _ in range(n_layers): self.blocks.append( GridNetBlock( emb_dim, emb_ks, emb_hs, n_freqs, lstm_hidden_units, n_head=attn_n_head, approx_qk_dim=attn_approx_qk_dim, activation=activation, eps=eps, ) ) self.deconv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(emb_dim, n_srcs * 2, ks, padding=padding)
[docs] def forward( self, input: torch.Tensor, ilens: torch.Tensor, additional: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor, OrderedDict]: """Forward. Args: input (torch.Tensor): batched multi-channel audio tensor with M audio channels and N samples [B, N, M] ilens (torch.Tensor): input lengths [B] additional (Dict or None): other data, currently unused in this model. Returns: enhanced (List[Union(torch.Tensor)]): [(B, T), ...] list of len n_srcs of mono audio tensors with T samples. ilens (torch.Tensor): (B,) additional (Dict or None): other data, currently unused in this model, we return it also in output. """ n_samples = input.shape[1] if self.n_imics == 1: assert len(input.shape) == 2 input = input[..., None] # [B, N, M] mix_std_ = torch.std(input, dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True) # [B, 1, 1] input = input / mix_std_ # RMS normalization batch = self.enc(input, ilens)[0] # [B, T, M, F] batch0 = batch.transpose(1, 2) # [B, M, T, F] batch =, batch0.imag), dim=1) # [B, 2*M, T, F] n_batch, _, n_frames, n_freqs = batch.shape batch = self.conv(batch) # [B, -1, T, F] for ii in range(self.n_layers): batch = self.blocks[ii](batch) # [B, -1, T, F] batch = self.deconv(batch) # [B, n_srcs*2, T, F] batch = batch.view([n_batch, self.n_srcs, 2, n_frames, n_freqs]) batch = new_complex_like(batch0, (batch[:, :, 0], batch[:, :, 1])) batch = self.dec(batch.view(-1, n_frames, n_freqs), ilens)[0] # [B, n_srcs, -1] batch = self.pad2(batch.view([n_batch, self.num_spk, -1]), n_samples) batch = batch * mix_std_ # reverse the RMS normalization batch = [batch[:, src] for src in range(self.num_spk)] return batch, ilens, OrderedDict()
@property def num_spk(self): return self.n_srcs
[docs] @staticmethod def pad2(input_tensor, target_len): input_tensor = torch.nn.functional.pad( input_tensor, (0, target_len - input_tensor.shape[-1]) ) return input_tensor
[docs]class GridNetBlock(nn.Module): def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __init__( self, emb_dim, emb_ks, emb_hs, n_freqs, hidden_channels, n_head=4, approx_qk_dim=512, activation="prelu", eps=1e-5, ): super().__init__() in_channels = emb_dim * emb_ks self.intra_norm = LayerNormalization4D(emb_dim, eps=eps) self.intra_rnn = nn.LSTM( in_channels, hidden_channels, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True ) self.intra_linear = nn.ConvTranspose1d( hidden_channels * 2, emb_dim, emb_ks, stride=emb_hs ) self.inter_norm = LayerNormalization4D(emb_dim, eps=eps) self.inter_rnn = nn.LSTM( in_channels, hidden_channels, 1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True ) self.inter_linear = nn.ConvTranspose1d( hidden_channels * 2, emb_dim, emb_ks, stride=emb_hs ) E = math.ceil( approx_qk_dim * 1.0 / n_freqs ) # approx_qk_dim is only approximate assert emb_dim % n_head == 0 for ii in range(n_head): self.add_module( "attn_conv_Q_%d" % ii, nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, E, 1), get_layer(activation)(), LayerNormalization4DCF((E, n_freqs), eps=eps), ), ) self.add_module( "attn_conv_K_%d" % ii, nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, E, 1), get_layer(activation)(), LayerNormalization4DCF((E, n_freqs), eps=eps), ), ) self.add_module( "attn_conv_V_%d" % ii, nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, emb_dim // n_head, 1), get_layer(activation)(), LayerNormalization4DCF((emb_dim // n_head, n_freqs), eps=eps), ), ) self.add_module( "attn_concat_proj", nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(emb_dim, emb_dim, 1), get_layer(activation)(), LayerNormalization4DCF((emb_dim, n_freqs), eps=eps), ), ) self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.emb_ks = emb_ks self.emb_hs = emb_hs self.n_head = n_head
[docs] def forward(self, x): """GridNetBlock Forward. Args: x: [B, C, T, Q] out: [B, C, T, Q] """ B, C, old_T, old_Q = x.shape T = math.ceil((old_T - self.emb_ks) / self.emb_hs) * self.emb_hs + self.emb_ks Q = math.ceil((old_Q - self.emb_ks) / self.emb_hs) * self.emb_hs + self.emb_ks x = F.pad(x, (0, Q - old_Q, 0, T - old_T)) # intra RNN input_ = x intra_rnn = self.intra_norm(input_) # [B, C, T, Q] intra_rnn = ( intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(B * T, C, Q) ) # [BT, C, Q] intra_rnn = F.unfold( intra_rnn[..., None], (self.emb_ks, 1), stride=(self.emb_hs, 1) ) # [BT, C*emb_ks, -1] intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # [BT, -1, C*emb_ks] intra_rnn, _ = self.intra_rnn(intra_rnn) # [BT, -1, H] intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # [BT, H, -1] intra_rnn = self.intra_linear(intra_rnn) # [BT, C, Q] intra_rnn = intra_rnn.view([B, T, C, Q]) intra_rnn = intra_rnn.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() # [B, C, T, Q] intra_rnn = intra_rnn + input_ # [B, C, T, Q] # inter RNN input_ = intra_rnn inter_rnn = self.inter_norm(input_) # [B, C, T, F] inter_rnn = ( inter_rnn.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous().view(B * Q, C, T) ) # [BF, C, T] inter_rnn = F.unfold( inter_rnn[..., None], (self.emb_ks, 1), stride=(self.emb_hs, 1) ) # [BF, C*emb_ks, -1] inter_rnn = inter_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # [BF, -1, C*emb_ks] inter_rnn, _ = self.inter_rnn(inter_rnn) # [BF, -1, H] inter_rnn = inter_rnn.transpose(1, 2) # [BF, H, -1] inter_rnn = self.inter_linear(inter_rnn) # [BF, C, T] inter_rnn = inter_rnn.view([B, Q, C, T]) inter_rnn = inter_rnn.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # [B, C, T, Q] inter_rnn = inter_rnn + input_ # [B, C, T, Q] # attention inter_rnn = inter_rnn[..., :old_T, :old_Q] batch = inter_rnn all_Q, all_K, all_V = [], [], [] for ii in range(self.n_head): all_Q.append(self["attn_conv_Q_%d" % ii](batch)) # [B, C, T, Q] all_K.append(self["attn_conv_K_%d" % ii](batch)) # [B, C, T, Q] all_V.append(self["attn_conv_V_%d" % ii](batch)) # [B, C, T, Q] Q =, dim=0) # [B', C, T, Q] K =, dim=0) # [B', C, T, Q] V =, dim=0) # [B', C, T, Q] Q = Q.transpose(1, 2) Q = Q.flatten(start_dim=2) # [B', T, C*Q] K = K.transpose(1, 2) K = K.flatten(start_dim=2) # [B', T, C*Q] V = V.transpose(1, 2) # [B', T, C, Q] old_shape = V.shape V = V.flatten(start_dim=2) # [B', T, C*Q] emb_dim = Q.shape[-1] attn_mat = torch.matmul(Q, K.transpose(1, 2)) / (emb_dim**0.5) # [B', T, T] attn_mat = F.softmax(attn_mat, dim=2) # [B', T, T] V = torch.matmul(attn_mat, V) # [B', T, C*Q] V = V.reshape(old_shape) # [B', T, C, Q] V = V.transpose(1, 2) # [B', C, T, Q] emb_dim = V.shape[1] batch = V.view([self.n_head, B, emb_dim, old_T, -1]) # [n_head, B, C, T, Q]) batch = batch.transpose(0, 1) # [B, n_head, C, T, Q]) batch = batch.contiguous().view( [B, self.n_head * emb_dim, old_T, -1] ) # [B, C, T, Q]) batch = self["attn_concat_proj"](batch) # [B, C, T, Q]) out = batch + inter_rnn return out
[docs]class LayerNormalization4D(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dimension, eps=1e-5): super().__init__() param_size = [1, input_dimension, 1, 1] self.gamma = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) self.beta = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) init.ones_(self.gamma) init.zeros_(self.beta) self.eps = eps
[docs] def forward(self, x): if x.ndim == 4: _, C, _, _ = x.shape stat_dim = (1,) else: raise ValueError("Expect x to have 4 dimensions, but got {}".format(x.ndim)) mu_ = x.mean(dim=stat_dim, keepdim=True) # [B,1,T,F] std_ = torch.sqrt( x.var(dim=stat_dim, unbiased=False, keepdim=True) + self.eps ) # [B,1,T,F] x_hat = ((x - mu_) / std_) * self.gamma + self.beta return x_hat
[docs]class LayerNormalization4DCF(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dimension, eps=1e-5): super().__init__() assert len(input_dimension) == 2 param_size = [1, input_dimension[0], 1, input_dimension[1]] self.gamma = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) self.beta = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*param_size).to(torch.float32)) init.ones_(self.gamma) init.zeros_(self.beta) self.eps = eps
[docs] def forward(self, x): if x.ndim == 4: stat_dim = (1, 3) else: raise ValueError("Expect x to have 4 dimensions, but got {}".format(x.ndim)) mu_ = x.mean(dim=stat_dim, keepdim=True) # [B,1,T,1] std_ = torch.sqrt( x.var(dim=stat_dim, unbiased=False, keepdim=True) + self.eps ) # [B,1,T,F] x_hat = ((x - mu_) / std_) * self.gamma + self.beta return x_hat