from espnet2.enh.loss.criterions.abs_loss import AbsEnhLoss
from espnet2.enh.loss.wrappers.abs_wrapper import AbsLossWrapper
from espnet2.enh.loss.wrappers.pit_solver import PITSolver
[docs]class MultiLayerPITSolver(AbsLossWrapper):
def __init__(
criterion: AbsEnhLoss,
"""Multi-Layer Permutation Invariant Training Solver.
Compute the PIT loss given inferences of multiple layers and a single reference.
It also support single inference and single reference in evaluation stage.
criterion (AbsEnhLoss): an instance of AbsEnhLoss
weight (float): weight (between 0 and 1) of current loss
for multi-task learning.
independent_perm (bool):
If True, PIT will be performed in forward to find the best permutation;
If False, the permutation from the last LossWrapper output will be
Note: You should be careful about the ordering of loss
wrappers defined in the yaml config, if this argument is False.
layer_weights (Optional[List[float]]): weights for each layer
If not None, the loss of each layer will be weighted-summed using the
specified weights.
self.criterion = criterion
self.weight = weight
self.independent_perm = independent_perm
self.solver = PITSolver(criterion, weight, independent_perm)
self.layer_weights = layer_weights
[docs] def forward(self, ref, infs, others={}):
"""Permutation invariant training solver.
ref (List[torch.Tensor]): [(batch, ...), ...] x n_spk
infs (Union[List[torch.Tensor], List[List[torch.Tensor]]]):
[(batch, ...), ...]
loss: (torch.Tensor): minimum loss with the best permutation
stats: dict, for collecting training status
others: dict, in this PIT solver, permutation order will be returned
losses = 0.0
# In single-layer case, the model only estimates waveforms in the last layer.
# The shape of infs is List[torch.Tensor]
if not isinstance(infs[0], (tuple, list)) and len(infs) == len(ref):
loss, stats, others = self.solver(ref, infs, others)
losses = loss
# In multi-layer case, weighted-sum the PIT loss of each layer
# The shape of ins is List[List[torch.Tensor]]
for idx, inf in enumerate(infs):
loss, stats, others = self.solver(ref, inf, others)
if self.layer_weights is not None:
losses = losses + loss * self.layer_weights[idx]
losses = losses + loss * (idx + 1) * (1.0 / len(infs))
losses = losses / len(infs)
return losses, stats, others