Source code for espnet2.enh.layers.fasnet

# The implementation of FaSNet in
# Y. Luo, et al.  “FaSNet: Low-Latency Adaptive Beamforming
# for Multi-Microphone Audio Processing”
# The implementation is based on:
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US.

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from espnet2.enh.layers import dprnn

# DPRNN for beamforming filter estimation
[docs]class BF_module(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, feature_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_spk=2, layer=4, segment_size=100, bidirectional=True, dropout=0.0, fasnet_type="ifasnet", ): super().__init__() assert fasnet_type in [ "fasnet", "ifasnet", ], "fasnet_type should be fasnet or ifasnet" self.input_dim = input_dim self.feature_dim = feature_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.layer = layer self.segment_size = segment_size self.num_spk = num_spk self.dprnn_model = dprnn.DPRNN_TAC( "lstm", self.feature_dim, self.hidden_dim, self.feature_dim * self.num_spk, num_layers=layer, bidirectional=bidirectional, dropout=dropout, ) self.eps = 1e-8 self.fasnet_type = fasnet_type if fasnet_type == "ifasnet": # output layer in ifasnet self.output = nn.Conv1d(self.feature_dim, self.output_dim, 1) elif fasnet_type == "fasnet": # gated output layer in ifasnet self.output = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(self.feature_dim, self.output_dim, 1), nn.Tanh() ) self.output_gate = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(self.feature_dim, self.output_dim, 1), nn.Sigmoid() ) self.num_spk = num_spk self.BN = nn.Conv1d(self.input_dim, self.feature_dim, 1, bias=False)
[docs] def forward(self, input, num_mic): # input: (B, ch, N, T) batch_size, ch, N, seq_length = input.shape input = input.view(batch_size * ch, N, seq_length) # B*ch, N, T enc_feature = self.BN(input) # split the encoder output into overlapped, longer segments enc_segments, enc_rest = dprnn.split_feature( enc_feature, self.segment_size ) # B*ch, N, L, K enc_segments = enc_segments.view( batch_size, ch, -1, enc_segments.shape[2], enc_segments.shape[3] ) # B, ch, N, L, K output = self.dprnn_model(enc_segments, num_mic).view( batch_size * ch * self.num_spk, self.feature_dim, self.segment_size, -1, ) # B*ch*nspk, N, L, K # overlap-and-add of the outputs output = dprnn.merge_feature(output, enc_rest) # B*ch*nspk, N, T if self.fasnet_type == "fasnet": # gated output layer for filter generation bf_filter = self.output(output) * self.output_gate( output ) # B*ch*nspk, K, T bf_filter = ( bf_filter.transpose(1, 2) .contiguous() .view(batch_size, ch, self.num_spk, -1, self.output_dim) ) # B, ch, nspk, L, N elif self.fasnet_type == "ifasnet": # output layer bf_filter = self.output(output) # B*ch*nspk, K, T bf_filter = bf_filter.view( batch_size, ch, self.num_spk, self.output_dim, -1 ) # B, ch, nspk, K, L return bf_filter
# base module for FaSNet
[docs]class FaSNet_base(nn.Module): def __init__( self, enc_dim, feature_dim, hidden_dim, layer, segment_size=24, nspk=2, win_len=16, context_len=16, dropout=0.0, sr=16000, ): super(FaSNet_base, self).__init__() # parameters self.win_len = win_len self.window = max(int(sr * win_len / 1000), 2) self.stride = self.window // 2 = sr self.context_len = context_len self.dropout = dropout self.enc_dim = enc_dim self.feature_dim = feature_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.segment_size = segment_size self.layer = layer self.num_spk = nspk self.eps = 1e-8
[docs] def pad_input(self, input, window): """Zero-padding input according to window/stride size.""" batch_size, nmic, nsample = input.shape stride = self.stride # pad the signals at the end for matching the window/stride size rest = window - (stride + nsample % window) % window if rest > 0: pad = torch.zeros(batch_size, nmic, rest).type(input.type()) input =[input, pad], 2) pad_aux = torch.zeros(batch_size, nmic, stride).type(input.type()) input =[pad_aux, input, pad_aux], 2) return input, rest
[docs] def seg_signal_context(self, x, window, context): """Segmenting the signal into chunks with specific context. input: x: size (B, ch, T) window: int context: int """ # pad input accordingly # first pad according to window size input, rest = self.pad_input(x, window) batch_size, nmic, nsample = input.shape stride = window // 2 # pad another context size pad_context = torch.zeros(batch_size, nmic, context).type(input.type()) input =[pad_context, input, pad_context], 2) # B, ch, L # calculate index for each chunk nchunk = 2 * nsample // window - 1 begin_idx = np.arange(nchunk) * stride begin_idx = ( torch.from_numpy(begin_idx).type(input.type()).long().view(1, 1, -1) ) # 1, 1, nchunk begin_idx = begin_idx.expand(batch_size, nmic, nchunk) # B, ch, nchunk # select entries from index chunks = [ torch.gather(input, 2, begin_idx + i).unsqueeze(3) for i in range(2 * context + window) ] # B, ch, nchunk, 1 chunks =, 3) # B, ch, nchunk, chunk_size # center frame center_frame = chunks[:, :, :, context : context + window] return center_frame, chunks, rest
[docs] def signal_context(self, x, context): """signal context function Segmenting the signal into chunks with specific context. input: x: size (B, dim, nframe) context: int """ batch_size, dim, nframe = x.shape zero_pad = torch.zeros(batch_size, dim, context).type(x.type()) pad_past = [] pad_future = [] for i in range(context): pad_past.append([zero_pad[:, :, i:], x[:, :, : -context + i]], 2).unsqueeze(2) ) pad_future.append([x[:, :, i + 1 :], zero_pad[:, :, : i + 1]], 2).unsqueeze(2) ) pad_past =, 2) # B, D, C, L pad_future =, 2) # B, D, C, L all_context = [pad_past, x.unsqueeze(2), pad_future], 2 ) # B, D, 2*C+1, L return all_context
[docs] def seq_cos_sim(self, ref, target): """Cosine similarity between some reference mics and some target mics ref: shape (nmic1, L, seg1) target: shape (nmic2, L, seg2) """ assert ref.size(1) == target.size(1), "Inputs should have same length." assert ref.size(2) >= target.size( 2 ), "Reference input should be no smaller than the target input." seq_length = ref.size(1) larger_ch = ref.size(0) if target.size(0) > ref.size(0): ref = ref.expand( target.size(0), ref.size(1), ref.size(2) ).contiguous() # nmic2, L, seg1 larger_ch = target.size(0) elif target.size(0) < ref.size(0): target = target.expand( ref.size(0), target.size(1), target.size(2) ).contiguous() # nmic1, L, seg2 # L2 norms ref_norm = F.conv1d( ref.view(1, -1, ref.size(2)).pow(2), torch.ones(ref.size(0) * ref.size(1), 1, target.size(2)).type(ref.type()), groups=larger_ch * seq_length, ) # 1, larger_ch*L, seg1-seg2+1 ref_norm = ref_norm.sqrt() + self.eps target_norm = ( target.norm(2, dim=2).view(1, -1, 1) + self.eps ) # 1, larger_ch*L, 1 # cosine similarity cos_sim = F.conv1d( ref.view(1, -1, ref.size(2)), target.view(-1, 1, target.size(2)), groups=larger_ch * seq_length, ) # 1, larger_ch*L, seg1-seg2+1 cos_sim = cos_sim / (ref_norm * target_norm) return cos_sim.view(larger_ch, seq_length, -1)
[docs] def forward(self, input, num_mic): """abstract forward function input: shape (batch, max_num_ch, T) num_mic: shape (batch, ), the number of channels for each input. Zero for fixed geometry configuration. """ pass
# single-stage FaSNet + TAC
[docs]class FaSNet_TAC(FaSNet_base): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FaSNet_TAC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.context = int( * self.context_len / 1000) self.filter_dim = self.context * 2 + 1 # DPRNN + TAC for estimation self.all_BF = BF_module( self.filter_dim + self.enc_dim, self.feature_dim, self.hidden_dim, self.filter_dim, self.num_spk, self.layer, self.segment_size, dropout=self.dropout, fasnet_type="fasnet", ) # waveform encoder self.encoder = nn.Conv1d( 1, self.enc_dim, self.context * 2 + self.window, bias=False ) self.enc_LN = nn.GroupNorm(1, self.enc_dim, eps=1e-8)
[docs] def forward(self, input, num_mic): batch_size = input.size(0) nmic = input.size(1) # split input into chunks all_seg, all_mic_context, rest = self.seg_signal_context( input, self.window, self.context ) # B, nmic, L, win/chunk seq_length = all_seg.size(2) # embeddings for all channels enc_output = ( self.encoder(all_mic_context.view(-1, 1, self.context * 2 + self.window)) .view(batch_size * nmic, seq_length, self.enc_dim) .transpose(1, 2) .contiguous() ) # B*nmic, N, L enc_output = self.enc_LN(enc_output).view( batch_size, nmic, self.enc_dim, seq_length ) # B, nmic, N, L # calculate the cosine similarities for ref channel's center # frame with all channels' context ref_seg = all_seg[:, 0].contiguous().view(1, -1, self.window) # 1, B*L, win all_context = ( all_mic_context.transpose(0, 1) .contiguous() .view(nmic, -1, self.context * 2 + self.window) ) # 1, B*L, 3*win all_cos_sim = self.seq_cos_sim(all_context, ref_seg) # nmic, B*L, 2*win+1 all_cos_sim = ( all_cos_sim.view(nmic, batch_size, seq_length, self.filter_dim) .permute(1, 0, 3, 2) .contiguous() ) # B, nmic, 2*win+1, L input_feature =[enc_output, all_cos_sim], 2) # B, nmic, N+2*win+1, L # pass to DPRNN all_filter = self.all_BF(input_feature, num_mic) # B, ch, nspk, L, 2*win+1 # convolve with all mic's context mic_context = [ all_mic_context.view( batch_size * nmic, 1, seq_length, self.context * 2 + self.window ) ] * self.num_spk, 1, ) # B*nmic, nspk, L, 3*win all_bf_output = F.conv1d( mic_context.view(1, -1, self.context * 2 + self.window), all_filter.view(-1, 1, self.filter_dim), groups=batch_size * nmic * self.num_spk * seq_length, ) # 1, B*nmic*nspk*L, win all_bf_output = all_bf_output.view( batch_size, nmic, self.num_spk, seq_length, self.window ) # B, nmic, nspk, L, win # reshape to utterance bf_signal = all_bf_output.view( batch_size * nmic * self.num_spk, -1, self.window * 2 ) bf_signal1 = ( bf_signal[:, :, : self.window] .contiguous() .view(batch_size * nmic * self.num_spk, 1, -1)[:, :, self.stride :] ) bf_signal2 = ( bf_signal[:, :, self.window :] .contiguous() .view(batch_size * nmic * self.num_spk, 1, -1)[:, :, : -self.stride] ) bf_signal = bf_signal1 + bf_signal2 # B*nmic*nspk, 1, T if rest > 0: bf_signal = bf_signal[:, :, :-rest] bf_signal = bf_signal.view( batch_size, nmic, self.num_spk, -1 ) # B, nmic, nspk, T # consider only the valid channels if num_mic.max() == 0: bf_signal = bf_signal.mean(1) # B, nspk, T else: bf_signal = [ bf_signal[b, : num_mic[b]].mean(0).unsqueeze(0) for b in range(batch_size) ] # nspk, T bf_signal =, 0) # B, nspk, T return bf_signal
[docs]def test_model(model): x = torch.rand(2, 4, 32000) # (batch, num_mic, length) num_mic = ( torch.from_numpy(np.array([3, 2])) .view( -1, ) .type(x.type()) ) # ad-hoc array none_mic = torch.zeros(1).type(x.type()) # fixed-array y1 = model(x, num_mic.long()) y2 = model(x, none_mic.long()) print(y1.shape, y2.shape) # (batch, nspk, length)
if __name__ == "__main__": model_TAC = FaSNet_TAC( enc_dim=64, feature_dim=64, hidden_dim=128, layer=4, segment_size=50, nspk=2, win_len=4, context_len=16, sr=16000, ) test_model(model_TAC)