Source code for espnet2.diar.espnet_model

# Copyright 2021 Jiatong Shi
#  Apache 2.0  (

from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import permutations
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from packaging.version import parse as V
from typeguard import check_argument_types

from espnet2.asr.encoder.abs_encoder import AbsEncoder
from espnet2.asr.frontend.abs_frontend import AbsFrontend
from espnet2.asr.specaug.abs_specaug import AbsSpecAug
from espnet2.diar.attractor.abs_attractor import AbsAttractor
from espnet2.diar.decoder.abs_decoder import AbsDecoder
from espnet2.layers.abs_normalize import AbsNormalize
from espnet2.torch_utils.device_funcs import force_gatherable
from espnet2.train.abs_espnet_model import AbsESPnetModel
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import to_device

if V(torch.__version__) >= V("1.6.0"):
    from torch.cuda.amp import autocast
    # Nothing to do if torch<1.6.0
    def autocast(enabled=True):

[docs]class ESPnetDiarizationModel(AbsESPnetModel): """Speaker Diarization model If "attractor" is "None", SA-EEND will be used. Else if "attractor" is not "None", EEND-EDA will be used. For the details about SA-EEND and EEND-EDA, refer to the following papers: SA-EEND: EEND-EDA:, """ def __init__( self, frontend: Optional[AbsFrontend], specaug: Optional[AbsSpecAug], normalize: Optional[AbsNormalize], label_aggregator: torch.nn.Module, encoder: AbsEncoder, decoder: AbsDecoder, attractor: Optional[AbsAttractor], diar_weight: float = 1.0, attractor_weight: float = 1.0, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() self.encoder = encoder self.normalize = normalize self.frontend = frontend self.specaug = specaug self.label_aggregator = label_aggregator self.diar_weight = diar_weight self.attractor_weight = attractor_weight self.attractor = attractor self.decoder = decoder if self.attractor is not None: self.decoder = None elif self.decoder is not None: self.num_spk = decoder.num_spk else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward( self, speech: torch.Tensor, speech_lengths: torch.Tensor = None, spk_labels: torch.Tensor = None, spk_labels_lengths: torch.Tensor = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """Frontend + Encoder + Decoder + Calc loss Args: speech: (Batch, samples) speech_lengths: (Batch,) default None for chunk interator, because the chunk-iterator does not have the speech_lengths returned. see in espnet2/iterators/ spk_labels: (Batch, ) kwargs: "utt_id" is among the input. """ assert speech.shape[0] == spk_labels.shape[0], (speech.shape, spk_labels.shape) batch_size = speech.shape[0] # 1. Encoder # Use bottleneck_feats if exist. Only for "enh + diar" task. bottleneck_feats = kwargs.get("bottleneck_feats", None) bottleneck_feats_lengths = kwargs.get("bottleneck_feats_lengths", None) encoder_out, encoder_out_lens = self.encode( speech, speech_lengths, bottleneck_feats, bottleneck_feats_lengths ) if self.attractor is None: # 2a. Decoder (baiscally a predction layer after encoder_out) pred = self.decoder(encoder_out, encoder_out_lens) else: # 2b. Encoder Decoder Attractors # Shuffle the chronological order of encoder_out, then calculate attractor encoder_out_shuffled = encoder_out.clone() for i in range(len(encoder_out_lens)): encoder_out_shuffled[i, : encoder_out_lens[i], :] = encoder_out[ i, torch.randperm(encoder_out_lens[i]), : ] attractor, att_prob = self.attractor( encoder_out_shuffled, encoder_out_lens, to_device( self, torch.zeros( encoder_out.size(0), spk_labels.size(2) + 1, encoder_out.size(2) ), ), ) # Remove the final attractor which does not correspond to a speaker # Then multiply the attractors and encoder_out pred = torch.bmm(encoder_out, attractor[:, :-1, :].permute(0, 2, 1)) # 3. Aggregate time-domain labels spk_labels, spk_labels_lengths = self.label_aggregator( spk_labels, spk_labels_lengths ) # If encoder uses conv* as input_layer (i.e., subsampling), # the sequence length of 'pred' might be slighly less than the # length of 'spk_labels'. Here we force them to be equal. length_diff_tolerance = 2 length_diff = spk_labels.shape[1] - pred.shape[1] if length_diff > 0 and length_diff <= length_diff_tolerance: spk_labels = spk_labels[:, 0 : pred.shape[1], :] if self.attractor is None: loss_pit, loss_att = None, None loss, perm_idx, perm_list, label_perm = self.pit_loss( pred, spk_labels, encoder_out_lens ) else: loss_pit, perm_idx, perm_list, label_perm = self.pit_loss( pred, spk_labels, encoder_out_lens ) loss_att = self.attractor_loss(att_prob, spk_labels) loss = self.diar_weight * loss_pit + self.attractor_weight * loss_att ( correct, num_frames, speech_scored, speech_miss, speech_falarm, speaker_scored, speaker_miss, speaker_falarm, speaker_error, ) = self.calc_diarization_error(pred, label_perm, encoder_out_lens) if speech_scored > 0 and num_frames > 0: sad_mr, sad_fr, mi, fa, cf, acc, der = ( speech_miss / speech_scored, speech_falarm / speech_scored, speaker_miss / speaker_scored, speaker_falarm / speaker_scored, speaker_error / speaker_scored, correct / num_frames, (speaker_miss + speaker_falarm + speaker_error) / speaker_scored, ) else: sad_mr, sad_fr, mi, fa, cf, acc, der = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 stats = dict( loss=loss.detach(), loss_att=loss_att.detach() if loss_att is not None else None, loss_pit=loss_pit.detach() if loss_pit is not None else None, sad_mr=sad_mr, sad_fr=sad_fr, mi=mi, fa=fa, cf=cf, acc=acc, der=der, ) loss, stats, weight = force_gatherable((loss, stats, batch_size), loss.device) return loss, stats, weight
[docs] def collect_feats( self, speech: torch.Tensor, speech_lengths: torch.Tensor, spk_labels: torch.Tensor = None, spk_labels_lengths: torch.Tensor = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: feats, feats_lengths = self._extract_feats(speech, speech_lengths) return {"feats": feats, "feats_lengths": feats_lengths}
[docs] def encode( self, speech: torch.Tensor, speech_lengths: torch.Tensor, bottleneck_feats: torch.Tensor, bottleneck_feats_lengths: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Frontend + Encoder Args: speech: (Batch, Length, ...) speech_lengths: (Batch,) bottleneck_feats: (Batch, Length, ...): used for enh + diar """ with autocast(False): # 1. Extract feats feats, feats_lengths = self._extract_feats(speech, speech_lengths) # 2. Data augmentation if self.specaug is not None and feats, feats_lengths = self.specaug(feats, feats_lengths) # 3. Normalization for feature: e.g. Global-CMVN, Utterance-CMVN if self.normalize is not None: feats, feats_lengths = self.normalize(feats, feats_lengths) # 4. Forward encoder # feats: (Batch, Length, Dim) # -> encoder_out: (Batch, Length2, Dim) if bottleneck_feats is None: encoder_out, encoder_out_lens, _ = self.encoder(feats, feats_lengths) elif self.frontend is None: # use only bottleneck feature encoder_out, encoder_out_lens, _ = self.encoder( bottleneck_feats, bottleneck_feats_lengths ) else: # use both frontend and bottleneck feats # interpolate (copy) feats frames # to match the length with bottleneck_feats feats = F.interpolate( feats.transpose(1, 2), size=bottleneck_feats.shape[1] ).transpose(1, 2) # concatenate frontend LMF feature and bottleneck feature encoder_out, encoder_out_lens, _ = self.encoder(, feats), 2), bottleneck_feats_lengths ) assert encoder_out.size(0) == speech.size(0), ( encoder_out.size(), speech.size(0), ) assert encoder_out.size(1) <= encoder_out_lens.max(), ( encoder_out.size(), encoder_out_lens.max(), ) return encoder_out, encoder_out_lens
def _extract_feats( self, speech: torch.Tensor, speech_lengths: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: batch_size = speech.shape[0] speech_lengths = ( speech_lengths if speech_lengths is not None else torch.ones(batch_size).int() * speech.shape[1] ) assert speech_lengths.dim() == 1, speech_lengths.shape # for data-parallel speech = speech[:, : speech_lengths.max()] if self.frontend is not None: # Frontend # e.g. STFT and Feature extract # data_loader may send time-domain signal in this case # speech (Batch, NSamples) -> feats: (Batch, NFrames, Dim) feats, feats_lengths = self.frontend(speech, speech_lengths) else: # No frontend and no feature extract feats, feats_lengths = speech, speech_lengths return feats, feats_lengths
[docs] def pit_loss_single_permute(self, pred, label, length): bce_loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction="none") mask = self.create_length_mask(length, label.size(1), label.size(2)) loss = bce_loss(pred, label) loss = loss * mask loss = torch.sum(torch.mean(loss, dim=2), dim=1) loss = torch.unsqueeze(loss, dim=1) return loss
[docs] def pit_loss(self, pred, label, lengths): # Note (jiatong): Credit to num_output = label.size(2) permute_list = [np.array(p) for p in permutations(range(num_output))] loss_list = [] for p in permute_list: label_perm = label[:, :, p] loss_perm = self.pit_loss_single_permute(pred, label_perm, lengths) loss_list.append(loss_perm) loss =, dim=1) min_loss, min_idx = torch.min(loss, dim=1) loss = torch.sum(min_loss) / torch.sum(lengths.float()) batch_size = len(min_idx) label_list = [] for i in range(batch_size): label_list.append(label[i, :, permute_list[min_idx[i]]].data.cpu().numpy()) label_permute = torch.from_numpy(np.array(label_list)).float() return loss, min_idx, permute_list, label_permute
[docs] def create_length_mask(self, length, max_len, num_output): batch_size = len(length) mask = torch.zeros(batch_size, max_len, num_output) for i in range(batch_size): mask[i, : length[i], :] = 1 mask = to_device(self, mask) return mask
[docs] def attractor_loss(self, att_prob, label): batch_size = len(label) bce_loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction="none") # create attractor label [1, 1, ..., 1, 0] # att_label: (Batch, num_spk + 1, 1) att_label = to_device(self, torch.zeros(batch_size, label.size(2) + 1, 1)) att_label[:, : label.size(2), :] = 1 loss = bce_loss(att_prob, att_label) loss = torch.mean(torch.mean(loss, dim=1)) return loss
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_diarization_error(pred, label, length): # Note (jiatong): Credit to (batch_size, max_len, num_output) = label.size() # mask the padding part mask = np.zeros((batch_size, max_len, num_output)) for i in range(batch_size): mask[i, : length[i], :] = 1 # pred and label have the shape (batch_size, max_len, num_output) label_np = pred_np = ( > 0).astype(int) label_np = label_np * mask pred_np = pred_np * mask length = # compute speech activity detection error n_ref = np.sum(label_np, axis=2) n_sys = np.sum(pred_np, axis=2) speech_scored = float(np.sum(n_ref > 0)) speech_miss = float(np.sum(np.logical_and(n_ref > 0, n_sys == 0))) speech_falarm = float(np.sum(np.logical_and(n_ref == 0, n_sys > 0))) # compute speaker diarization error speaker_scored = float(np.sum(n_ref)) speaker_miss = float(np.sum(np.maximum(n_ref - n_sys, 0))) speaker_falarm = float(np.sum(np.maximum(n_sys - n_ref, 0))) n_map = np.sum(np.logical_and(label_np == 1, pred_np == 1), axis=2) speaker_error = float(np.sum(np.minimum(n_ref, n_sys) - n_map)) correct = float(1.0 * np.sum((label_np == pred_np) * mask) / num_output) num_frames = np.sum(length) return ( correct, num_frames, speech_scored, speech_miss, speech_falarm, speaker_scored, speaker_miss, speaker_falarm, speaker_error, )