Source code for espnet2.asr.transducer.rnnt_multi_blank.utils.cpu_utils.cpu_rnnt

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# Copyright 2018-2019, Mingkun Huang
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import math
import multiprocessing
from typing import Optional

import numba
import torch
from torch.autograd import Function

from espnet2.asr.transducer.rnnt_multi_blank.utils import global_constants

[docs]def log_sum_exp(a: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor): """ Logsumexp with safety checks for infs. """ if torch.isinf(a): return b if torch.isinf(b): return a if a > b: return math.log1p(math.exp(b - a)) + a else: return math.log1p(math.exp(a - b)) + b
[docs]class CpuRNNT_index: def __init__( self, U: int, maxU: int, minibatch: int, alphabet_size: int, batch_first: bool ): """ A placeholder Index computation class that emits the resolved index in a flattened tensor, mimicing pointer indexing in CUDA kernels on the CPU. Args: U: Length of the current target sample (without padding). maxU: Max Length of the padded target samples. minibatch: Minibatch index alphabet_size: Size of the vocabulary including RNNT blank - V+1. batch_first: Bool flag determining if batch index is first or third. """ super(CpuRNNT_index, self).__init__() self.U = U self.maxU = maxU self.minibatch = minibatch self.alphabet_size = alphabet_size self.batch_first = batch_first def __call__(self, t: int, u: int, v: Optional[int] = None): # if indexing all the values of the vocabulary, then only t, u are provided if v is None: return t * self.U + u else: # otherwise, t, u, v are provided to index particular value # in the vocabulary. if self.batch_first: return (t * self.maxU + u) * self.alphabet_size + v else: return (t * self.maxU + u) * self.minibatch * self.alphabet_size + v
[docs]class CpuRNNT_metadata: def __init__( self, T: int, U: int, workspace: torch.Tensor, bytes_used: int, blank: int, labels: torch.Tensor, log_probs: torch.Tensor, idx: CpuRNNT_index, ): """ Metadata for CPU based RNNT loss calculation. Holds the working space memory. Args: T: Length of the acoustic sequence (without padding). U: Length of the target sequence (without padding). workspace: Working space memory for the CPU. bytes_used: Number of bytes currently used for indexing the working space memory. Generally 0. blank: Index of the blank token in the vocabulary. labels: Ground truth padded labels matrix of shape [B, U] log_probs: Log probs / activation matrix of flattented shape [B, T, U, V+1] idx: """ super(CpuRNNT_metadata, self).__init__() self.alphas = workspace[bytes_used : bytes_used + T * U] bytes_used += T * U self.betas = workspace[bytes_used : bytes_used + T * U] bytes_used += T * U self.log_probs2 = workspace[ bytes_used : bytes_used + T * U * 2 ] # // only store blank & label bytes_used += T * U * 2 self.bytes_used = bytes_used self.setup_probs(T, U, labels, blank, log_probs, idx)
[docs] def setup_probs( self, T: int, U: int, labels: torch.Tensor, blank: int, log_probs: torch.Tensor, idx: CpuRNNT_index, ): # initialize the log probs memory for blank and label token. for t in range(T): for u in range(U): # mult with 2 is for selecting either blank or label token. # Odd idx is blank. offset = (t * U + u) * 2 self.log_probs2[offset] = log_probs[idx(t, u, blank)] # // labels do not have first blank if u < U - 1: self.log_probs2[offset + 1] = log_probs[idx(t, u, labels[u])]
[docs]class LogSoftmaxGradModification(Function):
[docs] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, acts, clamp): if clamp < 0: raise ValueError("`clamp` must be 0.0 or positive float.") # This is needed for correctness (inplace is problematic), # but it wastes a log of memory. res = ctx.clamp = clamp return res
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): # Clamp the gradients of loss(logsoftmax(...)) # CPU computes logsoftmax explicitly, so we need to override t grad_output = torch.clamp(grad_output, -ctx.clamp, ctx.clamp) return ( grad_output, None, )
[docs]class CPURNNT: def __init__( self, minibatch: int, maxT: int, maxU: int, alphabet_size: int, workspace: torch.Tensor, blank: int, fastemit_lambda: float, clamp: float, num_threads: int, batch_first: bool, ): """ Helper class to compute the Transducer Loss on CPU. Args: minibatch: Size of the minibatch b. maxT: The maximum possible acoustic sequence length. Represents T in the logprobs tensor. maxU: The maximum possible target sequence length. Represents U in the logprobs tensor. alphabet_size: The vocabulary dimension V+1 (inclusive of RNNT blank). workspace: An allocated chunk of memory that will be sliced off and reshaped into required blocks used as working memory. blank: Index of the RNNT blank token in the vocabulary. Generally the first or last token in the vocab. fastemit_lambda: Float scaling factor for FastEmit regularization. Refer to FastEmit: Low-latency Streaming ASR with Sequence-level Emission Regularization. clamp: Float value. When set to value >= 0.0, will clamp the gradient to [-clamp, clamp]. num_threads: Number of OMP threads to launch. batch_first: Bool that decides if batch dimension is first or third. """ self.minibatch_ = minibatch self.maxT_ = maxT self.maxU_ = maxU self.alphabet_size_ = alphabet_size # a flat vector of floatX numbers that represents allocated memory slices self.workspace = workspace self.blank_ = blank self.fastemit_lambda_ = fastemit_lambda self.clamp_ = abs(clamp) self.num_threads_ = num_threads self.batch_first = batch_first if num_threads > 0: numba.set_num_threads(min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), num_threads)) else: self.num_threads_ = numba.get_num_threads()
[docs] def cost_and_grad_kernel( self, log_probs: torch.Tensor, grad: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, mb: int, T: int, U: int, bytes_used: int, ): idx = CpuRNNT_index( U, self.maxU_, self.minibatch_, self.alphabet_size_, self.batch_first ) rnntm = CpuRNNT_metadata( T, U, self.workspace, bytes_used, self.blank_, labels, log_probs, idx ) if self.batch_first: # zero grads grad *= 0.0 llForward = self.compute_alphas(rnntm.log_probs2, T, U, rnntm.alphas) llBackward = self.compute_betas_and_grads( grad, rnntm.log_probs2, T, U, rnntm.alphas, rnntm.betas, labels, llForward ) # Scale llForward by FastEmit lambda llForward *= 1.0 + self.fastemit_lambda_ llBackward *= 1.0 + self.fastemit_lambda_ diff = (llForward - llBackward).abs() if diff > 0.1: print(f"WARNING: Forward backward likelihood mismatch : {diff}") return -llForward
[docs] def compute_alphas( self, log_probs: torch.Tensor, T: int, U: int, alphas: torch.Tensor ): """ Compute the probability of the forward variable alpha. Args: log_probs: Flattened tensor [B, T, U, V+1] T: Length of the acoustic sequence T (not padded). U: Length of the target sequence U (not padded). alphas: Working space memory for alpha of shape [B, T, U]. Returns: Loglikelihood of the forward variable alpha. """ idx = CpuRNNT_index( U, self.maxU_, self.minibatch_, self.alphabet_size_, self.batch_first ) alphas[0] = 0 for t in range(T): for u in range(U): if u == 0 and t > 0: alphas[idx(t, 0)] = ( alphas[idx(t - 1, 0)] + log_probs[idx(t - 1, 0) * 2] ) if t == 0 and u > 0: alphas[idx(0, u)] = ( alphas[idx(0, u - 1)] + log_probs[idx(0, u - 1) * 2 + 1] ) if t > 0 and u > 0: no_emit = alphas[idx(t - 1, u)] + log_probs[idx(t - 1, u) * 2] emit = alphas[idx(t, u - 1)] + log_probs[idx(t, u - 1) * 2 + 1] alphas[idx(t, u)] = log_sum_exp(emit, no_emit) loglike = alphas[idx(T - 1, U - 1)] + log_probs[idx(T - 1, U - 1) * 2] return loglike
[docs] def compute_betas_and_grads( self, grad: torch.Tensor, log_probs: torch.Tensor, T: int, U: int, alphas: torch.Tensor, betas: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, logll: torch.Tensor, ): """ Compute backward variable beta as well as gradients of the activation matrix wrt loglikelihood of forward variable. Args: grad: Working space memory of flattened shape [B, T, U, V+1] log_probs: Activatio tensor of flattented shape [B, T, U, V+1] T: Length of the acoustic sequence T (not padded). U: Length of the target sequence U (not padded). alphas: Working space memory for alpha of shape [B, T, U]. betas: Working space memory for alpha of shape [B, T, U]. labels: Ground truth label of shape [B, U] logll: Loglikelihood of the forward variable. Returns: Loglikelihood of the forward variable and inplace updates the grad tensor. """ idx = CpuRNNT_index( U, self.maxU_, self.minibatch_, self.alphabet_size_, self.batch_first ) betas[idx(T - 1, U - 1)] = log_probs[idx(T - 1, U - 1) * 2] for t in range(T - 1, -1, -1): for u in range(U - 1, -1, -1): if (u == U - 1) and (t < T - 1): betas[idx(t, U - 1)] = ( betas[idx(t + 1, U - 1)] + log_probs[idx(t, U - 1) * 2] ) if (t == T - 1) and (u < U - 1): betas[idx(T - 1, u)] = ( betas[idx(T - 1, u + 1)] + log_probs[idx(T - 1, u) * 2 + 1] ) if (t < T - 1) and (u < U - 1): no_emit = betas[idx(t + 1, u)] + log_probs[idx(t, u) * 2] emit = betas[idx(t, u + 1)] + log_probs[idx(t, u) * 2 + 1] betas[idx(t, u)] = log_sum_exp(emit, no_emit) loglike = betas[0] # // Gradients w.r.t. log probabilities for t in range(T): for u in range(U): if t < T - 1: g = alphas[idx(t, u)] + betas[idx(t + 1, u)] grad[idx(t, u, self.blank_)] = -torch.exp( log_probs[idx(t, u) * 2] + g - loglike ) if u < U - 1: g = alphas[idx(t, u)] + betas[idx(t, u + 1)] grad[idx(t, u, labels[u])] = -torch.exp( math.log1p(self.fastemit_lambda_) + log_probs[idx(t, u) * 2 + 1] + g - loglike ) # // gradient to the last blank transition grad[idx(T - 1, U - 1, self.blank_)] = -torch.exp( log_probs[idx(T - 1, U - 1) * 2] + alphas[idx(T - 1, U - 1)] - loglike ) return loglike
[docs] def cost_and_grad( self, log_probs: torch.Tensor, grads: torch.Tensor, costs: torch.Tensor, flat_labels: torch.Tensor, label_lengths: torch.Tensor, input_lengths: torch.Tensor, ) -> global_constants.RNNTStatus: # // per minibatch memory per_minibatch_bytes = 0 # // alphas & betas per_minibatch_bytes += self.maxT_ * self.maxU_ * 2 # // blank & label log probability cache per_minibatch_bytes += self.maxT_ * self.maxU_ * 2 for mb in range(self.minibatch_): T = input_lengths[mb] # // Length of utterance (time) U = label_lengths[mb] + 1 # // Number of labels in transcription batch_size = self.alphabet_size_ if self.batch_first: batch_size = self.maxT_ * self.maxU_ * self.alphabet_size_ costs[mb] = self.cost_and_grad_kernel( log_probs[(mb * batch_size) :], grads[(mb * batch_size) :], flat_labels[(mb * (self.maxU_ - 1)) :], mb, T, U, mb * per_minibatch_bytes, ) return global_constants.RNNTStatus.RNNT_STATUS_SUCCESS
[docs] def score_forward( self, log_probs: torch.Tensor, costs: torch.Tensor, flat_labels: torch.Tensor, label_lengths: torch.Tensor, input_lengths: torch.Tensor, ): # // per minibatch memory per_minibatch_bytes = 0 # // alphas & betas per_minibatch_bytes += self.maxT_ * self.maxU_ * 2 # // blank & label log probability cache per_minibatch_bytes += self.maxT_ * self.maxU_ * 2 for mb in range(self.minibatch_): T = input_lengths[mb] # // Length of utterance (time) U = label_lengths[mb] + 1 # // Number of labels in transcription batch_size = self.alphabet_size_ if self.batch_first: batch_size = self.maxT_ * self.maxU_ * self.alphabet_size_ idx = CpuRNNT_index( U, self.maxU_, self.minibatch_, self.alphabet_size_, self.batch_first ) rnntm = CpuRNNT_metadata( T, U, self.workspace, mb * per_minibatch_bytes, self.blank_, flat_labels[(mb * (self.maxU_ - 1)) :], log_probs[(mb * batch_size) :], idx, ) costs[mb] = -self.compute_alphas(rnntm.log_probs2, T, U, rnntm.alphas) return global_constants.RNNTStatus.RNNT_STATUS_SUCCESS