# This code is derived from https://github.com/HazyResearch/state-spaces
"""Utilities for dealing with collection objects (lists, dicts) and configs."""
import functools
from typing import Callable, Mapping, Sequence
import hydra
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig
[docs]def is_list(x):
return isinstance(x, Sequence) and not isinstance(x, str)
[docs]def is_dict(x):
return isinstance(x, Mapping)
[docs]def to_dict(x, recursive=True):
"""Convert Sequence or Mapping object to dict.
lists get converted to {0: x[0], 1: x[1], ...}
if is_list(x):
x = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(x)}
if is_dict(x):
if recursive:
return {k: to_dict(v, recursive=recursive) for k, v in x.items()}
return dict(x)
return x
[docs]def to_list(x, recursive=False):
"""Convert an object to list.
If Sequence (e.g. list, tuple, Listconfig): just return it
Special case: If non-recursive and not a list, wrap in list
if is_list(x):
if recursive:
return [to_list(_x) for _x in x]
return list(x)
if recursive:
return x
return [x]
[docs]def instantiate(registry, config, *args, partial=False, wrap=None, **kwargs):
"""Instantiate registered module.
registry: Dictionary mapping names to functions or target paths
(e.g. {'model': 'models.SequenceModel'})
config: Dictionary with a '_name_' key indicating which element of the registry
to grab, and kwargs to be passed into the target constructor
wrap: wrap the target class (e.g. ema optimizer or tasks.wrap)
*args, **kwargs: additional arguments
to override the config to pass into the target constructor
# Case 1: no config
if config is None:
return None
# Case 2a: string means _name_ was overloaded
if isinstance(config, str):
_name_ = None
_target_ = registry[config]
config = {}
# Case 2b: grab the desired callable from name
_name_ = config.pop("_name_")
_target_ = registry[_name_]
# Retrieve the right constructor automatically based on type
if isinstance(_target_, str):
fn = hydra.utils.get_method(path=_target_)
elif isinstance(_target_, Callable):
fn = _target_
raise NotImplementedError("instantiate target must be string or callable")
# Instantiate object
if wrap is not None:
fn = wrap(fn)
obj = functools.partial(fn, *args, **config, **kwargs)
# Restore _name_
if _name_ is not None:
config["_name_"] = _name_
if partial:
return obj
return obj()
[docs]def get_class(registry, _name_):
return hydra.utils.get_class(path=registry[_name_])
[docs]def omegaconf_filter_keys(d, fn=None):
"""Only keep keys where fn(key) is True. Support nested DictConfig."""
if fn is None:
def fn(_):
return True
if is_list(d):
return ListConfig([omegaconf_filter_keys(v, fn) for v in d])
elif is_dict(d):
return DictConfig(
{k: omegaconf_filter_keys(v, fn) for k, v in d.items() if fn(k)}
return d