Source code for espnet2.asr.maskctc_model

import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import groupby
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy
import torch
from packaging.version import parse as V
from typeguard import check_argument_types

from espnet2.asr.ctc import CTC
from espnet2.asr.decoder.mlm_decoder import MLMDecoder
from espnet2.asr.encoder.abs_encoder import AbsEncoder
from espnet2.asr.espnet_model import ESPnetASRModel
from espnet2.asr.frontend.abs_frontend import AbsFrontend
from espnet2.asr.postencoder.abs_postencoder import AbsPostEncoder
from espnet2.asr.preencoder.abs_preencoder import AbsPreEncoder
from espnet2.asr.specaug.abs_specaug import AbsSpecAug
from espnet2.layers.abs_normalize import AbsNormalize
from espnet2.text.token_id_converter import TokenIDConverter
from espnet2.torch_utils.device_funcs import force_gatherable
from espnet.nets.beam_search import Hypothesis
from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import ErrorCalculator
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.maskctc.add_mask_token import mask_uniform
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import th_accuracy
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.label_smoothing_loss import (  # noqa: H301

if V(torch.__version__) >= V("1.6.0"):
    from torch.cuda.amp import autocast
    # Nothing to do if torch<1.6.0
    def autocast(enabled=True):

[docs]class MaskCTCModel(ESPnetASRModel): """Hybrid CTC/Masked LM Encoder-Decoder model (Mask-CTC)""" def __init__( self, vocab_size: int, token_list: Union[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]], frontend: Optional[AbsFrontend], specaug: Optional[AbsSpecAug], normalize: Optional[AbsNormalize], preencoder: Optional[AbsPreEncoder], encoder: AbsEncoder, postencoder: Optional[AbsPostEncoder], decoder: MLMDecoder, ctc: CTC, joint_network: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, ctc_weight: float = 0.5, interctc_weight: float = 0.0, ignore_id: int = -1, lsm_weight: float = 0.0, length_normalized_loss: bool = False, report_cer: bool = True, report_wer: bool = True, sym_space: str = "<space>", sym_blank: str = "<blank>", sym_mask: str = "<mask>", extract_feats_in_collect_stats: bool = True, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__( vocab_size=vocab_size, token_list=token_list, frontend=frontend, specaug=specaug, normalize=normalize, preencoder=preencoder, encoder=encoder, postencoder=postencoder, decoder=decoder, ctc=ctc, joint_network=joint_network, ctc_weight=ctc_weight, interctc_weight=interctc_weight, ignore_id=ignore_id, lsm_weight=lsm_weight, length_normalized_loss=length_normalized_loss, report_cer=report_cer, report_wer=report_wer, sym_space=sym_space, sym_blank=sym_blank, extract_feats_in_collect_stats=extract_feats_in_collect_stats, ) # Add <mask> and override inherited fields token_list.append(sym_mask) vocab_size += 1 self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.mask_token = vocab_size - 1 self.token_list = token_list.copy() # MLM loss del self.criterion_att self.criterion_mlm = LabelSmoothingLoss( size=vocab_size, padding_idx=ignore_id, smoothing=lsm_weight, normalize_length=length_normalized_loss, ) self.error_calculator = None if report_cer or report_wer: self.error_calculator = ErrorCalculator( token_list, sym_space, sym_blank, report_cer, report_wer )
[docs] def forward( self, speech: torch.Tensor, speech_lengths: torch.Tensor, text: torch.Tensor, text_lengths: torch.Tensor, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """Frontend + Encoder + Decoder + Calc loss Args: speech: (Batch, Length, ...) speech_lengths: (Batch, ) text: (Batch, Length) text_lengths: (Batch,) """ assert text_lengths.dim() == 1, text_lengths.shape # Check that batch_size is unified assert ( speech.shape[0] == speech_lengths.shape[0] == text.shape[0] == text_lengths.shape[0] ), (speech.shape, speech_lengths.shape, text.shape, text_lengths.shape) batch_size = speech.shape[0] # For data-parallel text = text[:, : text_lengths.max()] # Define stats to report loss_mlm, acc_mlm = None, None loss_ctc, cer_ctc = None, None stats = dict() # 1. Encoder encoder_out, encoder_out_lens = self.encode(speech, speech_lengths) intermediate_outs = None if isinstance(encoder_out, tuple): intermediate_outs = encoder_out[1] encoder_out = encoder_out[0] # 2. CTC branch if self.ctc_weight != 0.0: loss_ctc, cer_ctc = self._calc_ctc_loss( encoder_out, encoder_out_lens, text, text_lengths ) # Collect CTC branch stats stats["loss_ctc"] = loss_ctc.detach() if loss_ctc is not None else None stats["cer_ctc"] = cer_ctc # 2a. Intermediate CTC (optional) loss_interctc = 0.0 if self.interctc_weight != 0.0 and intermediate_outs is not None: for layer_idx, intermediate_out in intermediate_outs: # we assume intermediate_out has the same length & padding # as those of encoder_out loss_ic, cer_ic = self._calc_ctc_loss( intermediate_out, encoder_out_lens, text, text_lengths ) loss_interctc = loss_interctc + loss_ic # Collect Intermedaite CTC stats stats["loss_interctc_layer{}".format(layer_idx)] = ( loss_ic.detach() if loss_ic is not None else None ) stats["cer_interctc_layer{}".format(layer_idx)] = cer_ic loss_interctc = loss_interctc / len(intermediate_outs) # calculate whole encoder loss loss_ctc = ( 1 - self.interctc_weight ) * loss_ctc + self.interctc_weight * loss_interctc # 3. MLM decoder branch if self.ctc_weight != 1.0: loss_mlm, acc_mlm = self._calc_mlm_loss( encoder_out, encoder_out_lens, text, text_lengths ) # 4. CTC/MLM loss definition if self.ctc_weight == 0.0: loss = loss_mlm elif self.ctc_weight == 1.0: loss = loss_ctc else: loss = self.ctc_weight * loss_ctc + (1 - self.ctc_weight) * loss_mlm # Collect MLM branch stats stats["loss_mlm"] = loss_mlm.detach() if loss_mlm is not None else None stats["acc_mlm"] = acc_mlm # Collect total loss stats stats["loss"] = loss.detach() # force_gatherable: to-device and to-tensor if scalar for DataParallel loss, stats, weight = force_gatherable((loss, stats, batch_size), loss.device) return loss, stats, weight
def _calc_mlm_loss( self, encoder_out: torch.Tensor, encoder_out_lens: torch.Tensor, ys_pad: torch.Tensor, ys_pad_lens: torch.Tensor, ): # 1. Apply masks ys_in_pad, ys_out_pad = mask_uniform( ys_pad, self.mask_token, self.eos, self.ignore_id ) # 2. Forward decoder decoder_out, _ = self.decoder( encoder_out, encoder_out_lens, ys_in_pad, ys_pad_lens ) # 3. Compute mlm loss loss_mlm = self.criterion_mlm(decoder_out, ys_out_pad) acc_mlm = th_accuracy( decoder_out.view(-1, self.vocab_size), ys_out_pad, ignore_label=self.ignore_id, ) return loss_mlm, acc_mlm
[docs] def nll( self, encoder_out: torch.Tensor, encoder_out_lens: torch.Tensor, ys_pad: torch.Tensor, ys_pad_lens: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def batchify_nll( self, encoder_out: torch.Tensor, encoder_out_lens: torch.Tensor, ys_pad: torch.Tensor, ys_pad_lens: torch.Tensor, batch_size: int = 100, ): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MaskCTCInference(torch.nn.Module): """Mask-CTC-based non-autoregressive inference""" def __init__( self, asr_model: MaskCTCModel, n_iterations: int, threshold_probability: float, ): """Initialize Mask-CTC inference""" super().__init__() self.ctc = asr_model.ctc self.mlm = asr_model.decoder self.mask_token = asr_model.mask_token self.n_iterations = n_iterations self.threshold_probability = threshold_probability self.converter = TokenIDConverter(token_list=asr_model.token_list)
[docs] def ids2text(self, ids: List[int]): text = "".join(self.converter.ids2tokens(ids)) return text.replace("<mask>", "_").replace("<space>", " ")
[docs] def forward(self, enc_out: torch.Tensor) -> List[Hypothesis]: """Perform Mask-CTC inference""" # greedy ctc outputs enc_out = enc_out.unsqueeze(0) ctc_probs, ctc_ids = torch.exp(self.ctc.log_softmax(enc_out)).max(dim=-1) y_hat = torch.stack([x[0] for x in groupby(ctc_ids[0])]) y_idx = torch.nonzero(y_hat != 0).squeeze(-1)"ctc:{}".format(self.ids2text(y_hat[y_idx].tolist()))) # calculate token-level ctc probabilities by taking # the maximum probability of consecutive frames with # the same ctc symbols probs_hat = [] cnt = 0 for i, y in enumerate(y_hat.tolist()): probs_hat.append(-1) while cnt < ctc_ids.shape[1] and y == ctc_ids[0][cnt]: if probs_hat[i] < ctc_probs[0][cnt]: probs_hat[i] = ctc_probs[0][cnt].item() cnt += 1 probs_hat = torch.from_numpy(numpy.array(probs_hat)).to(enc_out.device) # mask ctc outputs based on ctc probabilities p_thres = self.threshold_probability mask_idx = torch.nonzero(probs_hat[y_idx] < p_thres).squeeze(-1) confident_idx = torch.nonzero(probs_hat[y_idx] >= p_thres).squeeze(-1) mask_num = len(mask_idx) y_in = ( torch.zeros(1, len(y_idx), dtype=torch.long).to(enc_out.device) + self.mask_token ) y_in[0][confident_idx] = y_hat[y_idx][confident_idx]"msk:{}".format(self.ids2text(y_in[0].tolist()))) # iterative decoding if not mask_num == 0: K = self.n_iterations num_iter = K if mask_num >= K and K > 0 else mask_num for t in range(num_iter - 1): pred, _ = self.mlm(enc_out, [enc_out.size(1)], y_in, [y_in.size(1)]) pred_score, pred_id = pred[0][mask_idx].max(dim=-1) cand = torch.topk(pred_score, mask_num // num_iter, -1)[1] y_in[0][mask_idx[cand]] = pred_id[cand] mask_idx = torch.nonzero(y_in[0] == self.mask_token).squeeze(-1)"msk:{}".format(self.ids2text(y_in[0].tolist()))) # predict leftover masks (|masks| < mask_num // num_iter) pred, _ = self.mlm(enc_out, [enc_out.size(1)], y_in, [y_in.size(1)]) y_in[0][mask_idx] = pred[0][mask_idx].argmax(dim=-1)"msk:{}".format(self.ids2text(y_in[0].tolist()))) # pad with mask tokens to ensure compatibility with sos/eos tokens yseq = torch.tensor( [self.mask_token] + y_in.tolist()[0] + [self.mask_token], device=y_in.device ) return Hypothesis(yseq=yseq)