Source code for espnet2.asr.frontend.fused

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from typeguard import check_argument_types

from espnet2.asr.frontend.abs_frontend import AbsFrontend
from espnet2.asr.frontend.default import DefaultFrontend
from espnet2.asr.frontend.s3prl import S3prlFrontend

[docs]class FusedFrontends(AbsFrontend): def __init__( self, frontends=None, align_method="linear_projection", proj_dim=100, fs=16000 ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() self.align_method = ( align_method # fusing method : linear_projection only for now ) self.proj_dim = proj_dim # dim of the projection done on each frontend self.frontends = [] # list of the frontends to combine for i, frontend in enumerate(frontends): frontend_type = frontend["frontend_type"] if frontend_type == "default": n_mels, fs, n_fft, win_length, hop_length = ( frontend.get("n_mels", 80), fs, frontend.get("n_fft", 512), frontend.get("win_length"), frontend.get("hop_length", 128), ) window, center, normalized, onesided = ( frontend.get("window", "hann"), frontend.get("center", True), frontend.get("normalized", False), frontend.get("onesided", True), ) fmin, fmax, htk, apply_stft = ( frontend.get("fmin", None), frontend.get("fmax", None), frontend.get("htk", False), frontend.get("apply_stft", True), ) self.frontends.append( DefaultFrontend( n_mels=n_mels, n_fft=n_fft, fs=fs, win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, window=window, center=center, normalized=normalized, onesided=onesided, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, htk=htk, apply_stft=apply_stft, ) ) elif frontend_type == "s3prl": frontend_conf, download_dir, multilayer_feature = ( frontend.get("frontend_conf"), frontend.get("download_dir"), frontend.get("multilayer_feature"), ) self.frontends.append( S3prlFrontend( fs=fs, frontend_conf=frontend_conf, download_dir=download_dir, multilayer_feature=multilayer_feature, ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError # frontends are only default or s3prl self.frontends = torch.nn.ModuleList(self.frontends) self.gcd = np.gcd.reduce([frontend.hop_length for frontend in self.frontends]) self.factors = [frontend.hop_length // self.gcd for frontend in self.frontends] if torch.cuda.is_available(): dev = "cuda" else: dev = "cpu" if self.align_method == "linear_projection": self.projection_layers = [ torch.nn.Linear( in_features=frontend.output_size(), out_features=self.factors[i] * self.proj_dim, ) for i, frontend in enumerate(self.frontends) ] self.projection_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList(self.projection_layers) self.projection_layers =
[docs] def output_size(self) -> int: return len(self.frontends) * self.proj_dim
[docs] def forward( self, input: torch.Tensor, input_lengths: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: # step 0 : get all frontends features self.feats = [] for frontend in self.frontends: with torch.no_grad(): input_feats, feats_lens = frontend.forward(input, input_lengths) self.feats.append([input_feats, feats_lens]) if ( self.align_method == "linear_projection" ): # TODO(Dan): to add other align methods # first step : projections self.feats_proj = [] for i, frontend in enumerate(self.frontends): input_feats = self.feats[i][0] self.feats_proj.append(self.projection_layers[i](input_feats)) # 2nd step : reshape self.feats_reshaped = [] for i, frontend in enumerate(self.frontends): input_feats_proj = self.feats_proj[i] bs, nf, dim = input_feats_proj.shape input_feats_reshaped = torch.reshape( input_feats_proj, (bs, nf * self.factors[i], dim // self.factors[i]) ) self.feats_reshaped.append(input_feats_reshaped) # 3rd step : drop the few last frames m = min([x.shape[1] for x in self.feats_reshaped]) self.feats_final = [x[:, :m, :] for x in self.feats_reshaped] input_feats = self.feats_final, dim=-1 ) # change the input size of the preencoder : proj_dim * n_frontends feats_lens = torch.ones_like(self.feats[0][1]) * (m) else: raise NotImplementedError return input_feats, feats_lens