Source code for espnet2.asr.encoder.hubert_encoder

# Copyright 2021 Tianzi Wang
# Apache 2.0  (

# Thanks to Abdelrahman Mohamed and Wei-Ning Hsu's help in this implementation,
# Their origial Hubert work is in:
#     Paper:
#     Code in Fairseq:

"""Encoder definition."""
import contextlib
import copy
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import yaml
from filelock import FileLock
from typeguard import check_argument_types

from espnet2.asr.encoder.abs_encoder import AbsEncoder
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import make_pad_mask
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.layer_norm import LayerNorm

[docs]class TorchAudioHuBERTPretrainEncoder(AbsEncoder): """Torch Audio Hubert encoder module. Args: extractor_mode: Operation mode of feature extractor. Valid values are "group_norm" or "layer_norm". extractor_conv_layer_config: Configuration of convolution layers in feature extractor. List of convolution configuration, i.e. [(output_channel, kernel_size, stride), ...] extractor_conv_bias: Whether to include bias term to each convolution operation. encoder_embed_dim: The dimension of embedding in encoder. encoder_projection_dropout: The dropout probability applied after the input feature is projected to "encoder_embed_dim". encoder_pos_conv_kernel: Kernel size of convolutional positional embeddings. encoder_pos_conv_groups: Number of groups of convolutional positional embeddings. encoder_num_layers: Number of self attention layers in transformer block. encoder_num_heads: Number of heads in self attention layers. encoder_attention_dropout: Dropout probability applied after softmax in self-attention layer. encoder_ff_interm_features: Dimension of hidden features in feed forward layer. encoder_ff_interm_dropout: Dropout probability applied in feedforward layer. encoder_dropout: Dropout probability applied at the end of feed forward layer. encoder_layer_norm_first: Control the order of layer norm in transformer layer and each encoder layer. If True, in transformer layer, layer norm is applied before features are fed to encoder layers. encoder_layer_drop: Probability to drop each encoder layer during training. mask_prob: Probability for each token to be chosen as start of the span to be masked. mask_selection: How to choose the mask length. Options: [static, uniform, normal, poisson]. mask_other: Secondary mask argument (used for more complex distributions). mask_length: The lengths of the mask. no_mask_overlap: Whether to allow masks to overlap. mask_min_space: Minimum space between spans (if no overlap is enabled). mask_channel_prob: (float): The probability of replacing a feature with 0. mask_channel_selection: How to choose the mask length for channel masking. Options: [static, uniform, normal, poisson]. mask_channel_other: Secondary mask argument for channel masking(used for more complex distributions). mask_channel_length: Minimum space between spans (if no overlap is enabled) for channel masking. no_mask_channel_overlap: Whether to allow channel masks to overlap. mask_channel_min_space: Minimum space between spans for channel masking(if no overlap is enabled). skip_masked: If True, skip computing losses over masked frames. skip_nomask: If True, skip computing losses over unmasked frames. num_classes: The number of classes in the labels. final_dim: Project final representations and targets to final_dim. feature_grad_mult: The factor to scale the convolutional feature extraction layer gradients by. The scale factor will not affect the forward pass. finetuning: Whether to finetuning the model with ASR or other tasks. freeze_encoder_updates: The number of steps to freeze the encoder parameters in ASR finetuning. Hubert specific Args: Please refer to: """ def __init__( self, input_size: int = None, extractor_mode: str = "group_norm", extractor_conv_layer_config: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int]]] = [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], extractor_conv_bias: bool = False, encoder_embed_dim: int = 768, encoder_projection_dropout: float = 0.1, encoder_pos_conv_kernel: int = 128, encoder_pos_conv_groups: int = 16, encoder_num_layers: int = 12, encoder_num_heads: int = 12, encoder_attention_dropout: float = 0.1, encoder_ff_interm_features: int = 3072, encoder_ff_interm_dropout: float = 0.0, encoder_dropout: float = 0.1, encoder_layer_norm_first: bool = False, encoder_layer_drop: float = 0.05, mask_prob: float = 0.8, mask_selection: str = "static", mask_other: float = 0.0, mask_length: int = 10, no_mask_overlap: bool = False, mask_min_space: int = 1, mask_channel_prob: float = 0.0, mask_channel_selection: str = "static", mask_channel_other: float = 0.0, mask_channel_length: int = 10, no_mask_channel_overlap: bool = False, mask_channel_min_space: int = 1, skip_masked: bool = False, skip_nomask: bool = False, num_classes: int = 100, final_dim: int = 256, feature_grad_mult: Optional[float] = 0.1, finetuning: bool = False, freeze_encoder_updates: int = 0, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() try: import torchaudio except Exception as e: print("Error: torchaudio is not properly installed.") print("Please install torchaudio") raise e self._output_size = encoder_embed_dim self.hubert_pretrain_model = torchaudio.models.hubert_pretrain_model( extractor_mode=extractor_mode, extractor_conv_layer_config=extractor_conv_layer_config, extractor_conv_bias=extractor_conv_bias, encoder_embed_dim=encoder_embed_dim, encoder_projection_dropout=encoder_projection_dropout, encoder_pos_conv_kernel=encoder_pos_conv_kernel, encoder_pos_conv_groups=encoder_pos_conv_groups, encoder_num_layers=encoder_num_layers, encoder_num_heads=encoder_num_heads, encoder_attention_dropout=encoder_attention_dropout, encoder_ff_interm_features=encoder_ff_interm_features, encoder_ff_interm_dropout=encoder_ff_interm_dropout, encoder_dropout=encoder_dropout, encoder_layer_norm_first=encoder_layer_norm_first, encoder_layer_drop=encoder_layer_drop, mask_prob=mask_prob, mask_selection=mask_selection, mask_other=mask_other, mask_length=mask_length, no_mask_overlap=no_mask_overlap, mask_min_space=mask_min_space, mask_channel_prob=mask_channel_prob, mask_channel_selection=mask_channel_selection, mask_channel_other=mask_channel_other, mask_channel_length=mask_channel_length, no_mask_channel_overlap=no_mask_channel_overlap, mask_channel_min_space=mask_channel_min_space, skip_masked=skip_masked, skip_nomask=skip_nomask, num_classes=num_classes, final_dim=final_dim, feature_grad_mult=feature_grad_mult, ) self.pretrained_params = copy.deepcopy(self.hubert_pretrain_model.state_dict()) self.finetuning = finetuning if finetuning: for p in self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.feature_extractor.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.register_buffer("global_step", torch.LongTensor([0])) self.freeze_encoder_updates = freeze_encoder_updates
[docs] def output_size(self) -> int: return self._output_size
[docs] def forward( self, xs_pad: torch.Tensor, ilens: torch.Tensor, ys_pad: torch.Tensor = None, ys_pad_length: torch.Tensor = None, prev_states: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: """Forward Hubert Pretrain Encoder. Args: xs_pad: input tensor (B, L, D) ilens: input length (B) prev_states: Not to be used now. Returns: position embedded tensor and mask """ if not self.finetuning: return self._pretraining_forward(xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad) else: if return self._finetuning_forward(xs_pad, ilens) else: return self._eval_forward(xs_pad, ilens)
def _pretraining_forward(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad): assert ys_pad is not None ( logit_m, logit_u, feature_penalty, ) = self.hubert_pretrain_model.forward(xs_pad, ys_pad, ilens) return logit_m, logit_u, feature_penalty def _finetuning_forward(self, xs_pad, ilens): def get_padding_mask(input, lengths): """get_padding_mask() from torchaudio.models.wav2vec2.components""" batch_size, max_len, _ = input.shape mask = ( torch.arange(max_len, device=lengths.device).expand(batch_size, max_len) >= lengths[:, None] ) return mask # manually add the steps. It is not accurate. # TODO(simpleoier): to introduce the global update steps into encoder module self.global_step += 1 if self.global_step <= self.freeze_encoder_updates: with torch.no_grad(): x, out_len = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.feature_extractor( xs_pad, ilens ) padding_mask = get_padding_mask(x, out_len) ( x, attention_mask, ) = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.encoder._preprocess(x, out_len) x, _ = self.hubert_pretrain_model.mask_generator(x, padding_mask) x = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.encoder.transformer( x, attention_mask=attention_mask ) else: with torch.no_grad(): x, out_len = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.feature_extractor( xs_pad, ilens ) padding_mask = get_padding_mask(x, out_len) ( x, attention_mask, ) = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.encoder._preprocess(x, out_len) x, _ = self.hubert_pretrain_model.mask_generator(x, padding_mask) x = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.encoder.transformer( x, attention_mask=attention_mask ) return x, (~padding_mask).long().sum(dim=1), None def _eval_forward(self, xs_pad, ilens): x, lengths = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.feature_extractor( xs_pad, ilens ) x = self.hubert_pretrain_model.wav2vec2.encoder(x, lengths) return x, lengths, None
[docs] def reload_pretrained_parameters(self): self.hubert_pretrain_model.load_state_dict(self.pretrained_params, strict=False)"Pretrained Hubert model parameters reloaded!")
[docs]class FairseqHubertEncoder(AbsEncoder): """FairSeq Hubert encoder module, used for loading pretrained weight and finetuning Args: input_size: input dim hubert_url: url to Hubert pretrained model hubert_dir_path: directory to download the Wav2Vec2.0 pretrained model. output_size: dimension of attention normalize_before: whether to use layer_norm before the first block freeze_finetune_updates: steps that freeze all layers except output layer before tuning the whole model (nessasary to prevent overfit). dropout_rate: dropout rate activation_dropout: dropout rate in activation function attention_dropout: dropout rate in attention Hubert specific Args: Please refer to: """ def __init__( self, input_size: int, hubert_url: str = "./", hubert_dir_path: str = "./", output_size: int = 256, normalize_before: bool = False, freeze_finetune_updates: int = 0, dropout_rate: float = 0.0, activation_dropout: float = 0.1, attention_dropout: float = 0.0, mask_length: int = 10, mask_prob: float = 0.75, mask_selection: str = "static", mask_other: int = 0, apply_mask: bool = True, mask_channel_length: int = 64, mask_channel_prob: float = 0.5, mask_channel_other: int = 0, mask_channel_selection: str = "static", layerdrop: float = 0.1, feature_grad_mult: float = 0.0, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() self.apply_mask = apply_mask try: import fairseq from fairseq.models.hubert.hubert import HubertModel except Exception as e: print("Error: FairSeq is not properly installed.") print("Please install FairSeq: cd ${MAIN_ROOT}/tools && make fairseq.done") raise e arg_overrides = { "dropout": dropout_rate, "activation_dropout": activation_dropout, "attention_dropout": attention_dropout, "mask_length": mask_length, "mask_prob": mask_prob, "mask_selection": mask_selection, "mask_other": mask_other, "mask_channel_length": mask_channel_length, "mask_channel_prob": mask_channel_prob, "mask_channel_selection": mask_channel_selection, "mask_channel_other": mask_channel_other, "encoder_layerdrop": layerdrop, "feature_grad_mult": feature_grad_mult, "data": hubert_dir_path, } if hubert_url == "espnet": self.hubert_model_path = hubert_dir_path s = torch.load( self.hubert_model_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"), ) if all("encoder.encoder" in k for k in s): try: state = { k.replace("encoder.encoder.", ""): v for k, v in s.items() if "label_embs_concat" not in k } except Exception as e: raise e config_file = os.path.join( "/".join(self.hubert_model_path.split("/")[:-1]), "config.yaml", ) config_file = Path(config_file) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.pretrained_cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) model = FairseqHubertPretrainEncoder( input_size=self.pretrained_cfg["input_size"], hubert_dict=self.pretrained_cfg["hubert_dict"], **self.pretrained_cfg["encoder_conf"], ) model = model.encoder d = self.pretrained_cfg["encoder_conf"]["output_size"] self.pretrained_params = copy.deepcopy(state) else: self.hubert_model_path = download_hubert(hubert_url, hubert_dir_path) ( models, self.pretrained_cfg, task, ) = fairseq.checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task( [self.hubert_model_path], arg_overrides=arg_overrides, strict=False, ) model = models[0] d = self.pretrained_cfg.model.encoder_embed_dim self.pretrained_params = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict()) self._output_size = output_size if not isinstance(model, HubertModel): try: model = model.hubert_encoder.hubert_model except Exception as e: print( "Error: pretrained models should be within: " "'HubertModel, Hubertctc' classes, etc." ) raise e self.encoders = model self.normalize_before = normalize_before if self.normalize_before: self.after_norm = LayerNorm(output_size) if output_size and output_size != d: self.output_layer = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(d, output_size), ) else: self.output_layer = None self.freeze_finetune_updates = freeze_finetune_updates self.register_buffer("num_updates", torch.LongTensor([0]))
[docs] def output_size(self) -> int: return self._output_size
[docs] def forward( self, xs_pad: torch.Tensor, ilens: torch.Tensor, prev_states: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: """Forward Hubert ASR Encoder. Args: xs_pad: input tensor (B, L, D) ilens: input length (B) prev_states: Not to be used now. Returns: position embedded tensor and mask """ masks = make_pad_mask(ilens).to(xs_pad.device) ft = self.freeze_finetune_updates <= self.num_updates if self.num_updates <= self.freeze_finetune_updates: self.num_updates += 1 elif ft and self.num_updates == self.freeze_finetune_updates + 1: self.num_updates += 1"Start fine-tuning hubert parameters!") else: self.num_updates += 1 with torch.no_grad() if not ft else contextlib.nullcontext(): enc_outputs = self.encoders( xs_pad, padding_mask=masks, mask=self.apply_mask and, features_only=True, output_layer=None, ) xs_pad = enc_outputs["x"] # (B,T,C), masks = enc_outputs["padding_mask"] # (B, T) # save gpu memory del enc_outputs olens = (~masks).sum(dim=1) if self.output_layer is not None: xs_pad = self.output_layer(xs_pad) if self.normalize_before: xs_pad = self.after_norm(xs_pad) return xs_pad, olens, None
[docs] def reload_pretrained_parameters(self): self.encoders.load_state_dict(self.pretrained_params, strict=False)"Pretrained Hubert model parameters reloaded!")
[docs]class FairseqHubertPretrainEncoder(AbsEncoder): """FairSeq Hubert pretrain encoder module, only used for pretraining stage Args: input_size: input dim output_size: dimension of attention linear_units: dimension of feedforward layers attention_heads: the number of heads of multi head attention num_blocks: the number of encoder blocks dropout_rate: dropout rate attention_dropout_rate: dropout rate in attention hubert_dict: target dictionary for Hubert pretraining label_rate: label frame rate. -1 for sequence label sample_rate: target sample rate. use_amp: whether to use automatic mixed precision normalize_before: whether to use layer_norm before the first block """ def __init__( self, input_size: int = 1, output_size: int = 1024, linear_units: int = 1024, attention_heads: int = 12, num_blocks: int = 12, dropout_rate: float = 0.0, attention_dropout_rate: float = 0.0, activation_dropout_rate: float = 0.0, hubert_dict: str = "./dict.txt", label_rate: int = 100, checkpoint_activations: bool = False, sample_rate: int = 16000, use_amp: bool = False, **kwargs, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() self._output_size = output_size self.use_amp = use_amp try: from import Dictionary from fairseq.models.hubert.hubert import HubertConfig # noqa: H301 from fairseq.models.hubert.hubert import HubertModel # noqa: H301 from fairseq.models.hubert.hubert import ( # noqa: H301 HubertPretrainingConfig, ) except Exception as e: print("Error: FairSeq is not properly installed.") print("Please install FairSeq: cd ${MAIN_ROOT}/tools && make fairseq.done") raise e cfg_overides = { "encoder_embed_dim": output_size, "encoder_ffn_embed_dim": linear_units, "encoder_attention_heads": attention_heads, "encoder_layers": num_blocks, "final_dim": output_size, "dropout": dropout_rate, "attention_dropout": attention_dropout_rate, "label_rate": label_rate, "checkpoint_activations": checkpoint_activations, } cfg_overides = {**cfg_overides, **kwargs} self.cfg = HubertConfig() for key, value in cfg_overides.items(): if hasattr(self.cfg, key): setattr(self.cfg, key, value) hubert_task_cfg = HubertPretrainingConfig() hubert_task_cfg_overides = { "label_rate": label_rate, "sample_rate": sample_rate, } for key, value in hubert_task_cfg_overides.items(): if hasattr(hubert_task_cfg, key): setattr(hubert_task_cfg, key, value) d = Dictionary() self._build_dictionary(d, hubert_dict) self.encoder = HubertModel(self.cfg, hubert_task_cfg, self.dictionaries) def _build_dictionary(self, dictionary, hubert_dict_path): if os.path.exists(f"{hubert_dict_path}"): setattr(dictionary, "symbols", []) setattr(dictionary, "count", []) setattr(dictionary, "indices", {}) dictionary.add_from_file(f"{hubert_dict_path}") else: dictionary.add_symbol("0") self.dictionaries = [dictionary]
[docs] def output_size(self) -> int: return self._output_size
[docs] def forward( self, xs_pad: torch.Tensor, ilens: torch.Tensor, ys_pad: torch.Tensor, ys_pad_length: torch.Tensor, prev_states: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: """Forward Hubert Pretrain Encoder. Args: xs_pad: input tensor (B, L, D) ilens: input length (B) prev_states: Not to be used now. Returns: position embedded tensor and mask """ self.cast_mask_emb() masks = make_pad_mask(ilens).to(xs_pad.device) ys_pad = ys_pad[:, : min(ys_pad_length)] enc_outputs = self.encoder( xs_pad, padding_mask=masks, mask=True, target_list=[ys_pad], features_only=False, ) return enc_outputs
[docs] def cast_mask_emb(self): if self.use_amp and self.encoder.mask_emb.dtype != torch.cuda.HalfTensor: self.encoder.mask_emb = torch.nn.Parameter(self.encoder.mask_emb.half())
[docs] def reload_pretrained_parameters(self): self.encoder.mask_emb = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.HalfTensor(self.cfg.encoder_embed_dim).uniform_() ) f"Hubert mask embedding re-initiallized!, \ {self.encoder.mask_emb.dtype}, \ {self.use_amp}" )
[docs]def download_hubert(model_url, dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) model_name = model_url.split("/")[-1] model_path = os.path.join(dir_path, model_name) with FileLock(model_path + ".lock"): if not os.path.exists(model_path): torch.hub.download_url_to_file(model_url, model_path)"Hubert model downloaded {model_path}") else:"Hubert model {model_path} already exists.") return model_path