DiscreTalk: Text-to-Speech as a Machine Translation Problem


  • Tomoki Hayashi (Human Dataware Lab. Co., Ltd. / Nagoya University)
  • Shinji Watanabe (Johns Hopkins University)


This paper proposes a new end-to-end text-to-speech (E2E-TTS) model based on neural machine translation (NMT). The proposed model consists of two components; a non-autoregressive vector quantized variational autoencoder (VQ-VAE) model and an autoregressive Transformer-NMT model. The VQ-VAE model learns a mapping function from a speech waveform into a sequence of discrete symbols, and then the Transformer-NMT model is trained to estimate this discrete symbol sequence from a given input text. Since the VQ-VAE model can learn such a mapping in a fully-data-driven manner, we do not need to consider hyperparameters of the feature extraction required in the conventional E2E-TTS models. Thanks to the use of discrete symbols, we can use various techniques developed in NMT and automatic speech recognition (ASR) such as beam search, subword units, and fusions with a language model. Furthermore, we can avoid an over smoothing problem of predicted features, which is one of the common issues in TTS. The experimental evaluation with the JSUT corpus shows that the proposed method outperforms the conventional Transformer-TTS model with a non-autoregressive neural vocoder in naturalness, achieving the performance comparable to the reconstruction of the VQ-VAE model.

Audio samples (Japanese)

  • Target: Target speech downsampled to 24k Hz.
  • Baseline: Baseline system (Transformer-TTS + Parallel WaveGAN).
  • Reconst (DSF128): Reconstructed speech by the proposed VQ-VAE with downsampling factor = 128.
  • Reconst (DSF256): Reconstructed speech by the proposed VQ-VAE with downsampling factor = 256.
  • Propoed (DSF128, Raw): The proposed method with downsampling factor = 128 and raw discrete symbols as the target of the NMT model.
  • Propoed (DSF256, Raw): The proposed method with downsampling factor = 256 and raw discrete symbols as the target of the NMT model.
  • Propoed (DSF128, SW256): The proposed method with downsampling factor = 128 and subword units (#subword units = 256) as the target of the NMT model.
  • Propoed (DSF256, SW256): The proposed method with downsampling factor = 256 and subword units (#subword units = 256) as the target of the NMT model.


Target Baseline
Reconst (DSF256) Reconst (DSF128)
Propoed (DSF256, Raw) Propoed (DSF128, Raw)
Propoed (DSF256, SW256) Propoed (DSF128, SW256)


Target Baseline
Reconst (DSF256) Reconst (DSF128)
Propoed (DSF256, Raw) Propoed (DSF128, Raw)
Propoed (DSF256, SW256) Propoed (DSF128, SW256)


Target Baseline
Reconst (DSF256) Reconst (DSF128)
Propoed (DSF256, Raw) Propoed (DSF128, Raw)
Propoed (DSF256, SW256) Propoed (DSF128, SW256)


Target Baseline
Reconst (DSF256) Reconst (DSF128)
Propoed (DSF256, Raw) Propoed (DSF128, Raw)
Propoed (DSF256, SW256) Propoed (DSF128, SW256)


Target Baseline
Reconst (DSF256) Reconst (DSF128)
Propoed (DSF256, Raw) Propoed (DSF128, Raw)
Propoed (DSF256, SW256) Propoed (DSF128, SW256)


Tomoki Hayashi (Human Dataware Lab. Co., Ltd. & Nagoya University)
e-mail: hayashi.tomoki@g.sp.m.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp